TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

Understand, "Dexter" never got a massive push from the Internet, mainly Youtube and 4chan. The show ended in '06, right? Youtube didn't exist until '05. 4chan has been around since '03 but its focus was Anime and Manga, not American cartoons.

"I said PASTEL paints!"

My line up:

Well, 4chan is the Internet Hate Machine, so for them to suddenly love pastel ponies was just insane. I've seen screencaps of the shit-storms that over took the site. Simply amazing.

Just another step towards Pinkie Pie finally shattering the 4th wall entirely.

That is fantastically horrible and I approve.

"Some say…that he subsists on a diet purely of ‘specialty’ cupcakes…and that when told he could be anything he wanted, he became a pony. All we know is he’s NOT the Stig, but is the Stig’s long lost Equestrian cousin, Stiggy Stallion."

Mr. Brown, do you have a minute? Yes, it is important.

"So, here is a Top Gear top tip: if you are going to pull a caravan, use an F1 car! Thats all we have for tonight, goodbye!"

Seriously, lie to me right now. Say whatever you want about "GMA" and I'll believe it. Those fucking mooks aren't exactly known for any real discernment.

Ever tossed an older, slushbox equipped vehicle into park at slow speed? You will come to a stop. If you're going too fast, the trans makes that ratcheting noise you heard in the video. Its the same as neutral until the park cog engages.

I think the best think would have been to one, downshift. Two, engaged the emergency brake. Once down to like 10 mph, throw it park.

In my town of Ontario California, there was a group of scrap guys with an identical truck but a shit-pile of a mid 80s Civic. Nothing like watching that Civic bob and weave down the street pulling a trailer stacked higher than its wide with metal scraps. Scary.


I guess the overuse of "lol" was also kicking you in the nuts.

Hi. I have a coupon. Buy a X6, get a X3 free.

Do you think anyone else cares if someone other than $kaycog posts a prize for COTD?