TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

"Those Smart Americans really know how to make power."

I'm gonna bet 1982 was a good year for terrible cars.

"Your shit just got wrecked."

I was thinking the same thing.

"Well, you crashed into me. Congratulations. Was it worth it? Because despite your *terrific* driving skills, the only thing you've managed to break so far... is my car. Maybe you could settle for that, and we'll just call it a day. I guess we both know that isn't going to happen." - CaRDOS

Its incredible what diesel + technology can accomplish. I have an '85 F350 with the 460. It thumps out 425 torques. These tiny turbo-diesels can produce half that amount with 4 less cylinders. That Honda diesel could probably fit in one cylinder of a 460.

1981 Plymouth Horizon.

"You'll be stone dead any minute!"


Well, those guys can fit under the tractor portion, so I guess they're exempt. =D

And that is how you get a Heart Click!

Haha! I dropped about a dozen tweets on them in about 5 minutes.

Shouldn't that be "Werton Rayhill"?

Words, they fail me.

Doesn't bother me. I'm not the only one dropping emails on their head right now. You should see Twitter right now.

Just dropped this on their website:


I'm helping to feed the flames! =D

Dear Gizmodo, does this mean you're going to stop your Apple circle-jerks?

Ahh fuck! You owe me a new keyboard from spitting cherry coke all over it! I laughed my ass off when I read "Vulvatron."