TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

I watched some of the early stuff. I don't want to remember it either.

And as "BrtStlnd" responded to Matt Farah on Twitter: "We are the best bunch of douchebags there are. Always will be." But were honest, hard-working douchebags dammit!

I didn't say they don't do stupid stunts. They just do them in a controlled fashion. Sure, they make it look off the cuff, but as you say in your comment right below: "Both are outrageous and mad, what did you expect out of a entertainment show?".

You didn't notice the Honda Goldwings escorting them? All the stunts done by the Top Gears are done in a controlled fashion. TG:UK has done its number of stupid things that can be considered dangerous, manure on the road or not.

Its all good. Farah apologized and admitted he jumped the gun with his comments.

No, but The Car Show gets to deal with this guy's fat, idiotic presence. Remember, Rutledge Wood didn't call Jalopnik commentators a bunch of douchebags.

Stop thinking about it in terms of "its not the UK version." Just stop. The Russian and Aussie spin-offs are horrible. The US version has been the only one worth watching. Says something about the American hosts.

Re-read my comment: "Yet if TG:UK pulled those antics, you'd be singing their praises."

Yet if TG:UK pulled those antics, you'd be singing their praises.

And that young padawan, is how you earn a heart-click!

I'll take two of those Polish girls. Hot damn.

Oh yeah, in case anyone wants to get drunk with the Ponies. =D

Well fucking said.

You don't want me to call in back-up. "Mack41" is a loonie and will post moar ponies then you could ever imagine. But I wont do that, for fear of Ray kicking our asses off Jalopnik.

Yea rly! =D

Some asshole a couple months back replied to one of my LOLcat posts and said he was "sick and tired of the annoying cats!" I decided to find something more annoying.

Two words: Hell yes.