TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

Yep. We've posting Ponies on Opposite Lock for about a month now. Great troll material.

That was my thought. American car companies used to build bad-ass cars because of shit talking and a "your momma jokes" mentality.

I see what you did there.

I'd buy a diesel Focus. Why is it American car companies can't get small car diesel tech through their thick heads? Yes, I'm aware of all those stupid fed regulations. Build the small diesels and tell big brother to take a flying leap.

GM responds.

Yep, I'll take it.

What about for those of us born in 1982? I don't know if my mid-90s music ears can handle disco.

Did someone say "trap"?

Dammit, everyone of you is blind. Its clearly a Pegasus.

Why the fuck didn't this get COTD?! I demand answers! *rabble, rabble, rabble*

"Jalopnik emphasizes irreverent humor."

And how. Those are some wonderful pillows.

Damn right. Want to act like you're all high and mighty, you can pay the fucking fines.

Slashing the fuckers tires is the perfectly acceptable thing to do in this situation. Asshat can afford new ones.

Hehe. I posted the exact same image. Mother's ambulance is the perfect combo of life saving tech and the A-Team's van.

I knew I heart-clicked you for a reason.

Mother, Jugs and Speed.

Ahhh, that makes more sense. And my idiot self wants to get in.

Planning on moving to The Netherlands? Good luck with that. You have to convince them you're worth living there. No joke.