TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

I was afraid the editors had forgotten all about our Batshit Babes calender. Thanks for remembering Tom!

"Currently for sale at a car dealer with California." Wait, that thing *also* comes with California? This deal keeps getting better and better!


Yes, yes, fucking yes!

Rule 34 is disturbing but I'm always more worried about Rule 35: "If porn of it doesn't exist, someone will make it." I know people that have accepted the challenge. Yikes.

Thank you for posting that abso-fucking-lutely awesome billboard. That just made my day.

I wish I could promote this comment twice.

*facepalm* You idiots. Just come back on another day. I'm a SoCal native and love me some In-N-Out, but I ain't waiting that damn long for a burger.

And don't forget In-N-Out's milkshakes that will give you a damn hernia if you try to drink it through a straw!

Your picture didn't work but I can imagine which image it is.

I thought this was the funny farm? Hold on, there's some nice young men in clean white suits at the door...

The AUTOBAN must be down, like much of Gawker sites in general.

Now playing

I wonder if Giz's commenters just need to harden the fuck up!

And this dear friends, is what Jalopnik is all about. Cars and madness.

'Cept for my big-ass F350 can't break its rear-end loose unless its wet outside. You need some Posi-traction to do that shit on command. Guess it ain't so easy huh?



You rang?

Trust me, its coming later.

How soon until we throw the Dr. here off of Jalopnik?