TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

I wont say anything.

We haz gud grammers. :D

Scary part? This movie could always be worse.

*ahem* $kaycog is a chick.

There are other countries?

Did you hear that "thud"? That was $kaycog passing the hell out.

"Jalopnik is a Domestic Fanboy site." The majority of members are American. Who'd a thunk it?

Gawker Media chooses the ads, not Jalopnik.

And do what? Ask if he would like a hand standing-up? Unless you have training, leave the injured person be and call 911.

In the Land of Oz, you guys probably play lawn darts with Sidewinder missiles.

I liked to flatten that asshat with my truck. Hell, I'd settle for a Geo Metro smacking him.

Nonsense, no one would ever do that.

Good Lord....

I see you checking out my awesome head-band.

Beer Isle, i.e. BevMo?

F-350 owner: "Yeah, I knew all about the shuttle launch. How the hell do you think it got to its launchpad? I towed that fucker into place."

Not a big fan of the Boys and I'm a lesser fan of KROQ.

Wow. People seriously need to get a fuckin' life.

What you did there, I saw it.

Skinning cats?