TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

You sir, are awesome. Disturbed, but awesome.

Jalopnik's wiki page. References bro. They've led me to some hilarious material, as well as to a greater understanding of the whack-jobs that frequent this place.

Yes, SUVs and trucks have been known to flip due to their high center of gravity. Again, do you think much happened to the driver of the SUV?

I wouldn't trust a Neon either.

Hi, I'm a 2.9 ton pick-up truck. Would you really want to run into me at any speed?

The safety information may be boring, but it always makes for good TV watching cars be crashed on purpose.

And people cry about cars from 30 years back weighing way too much. My '79 Trans Am weighed in at 3,830lbs.

Why, yes it is. The white ear-buds should have been a dead giveaway.

I'll just leave this here.

You say that like its a bad thing.

I prefer's disclaimer: "Seriously DO NOT try this at home you stupid little fucks."

I just watched it again. Those two laughing just makes this whole scene even more priceless.

It was also posted here, on our Opposite Lock forum.

You'll never get a gold star with that attitude.

'Cause we all know Rebecca Black ain't from no streets.

Maybe this can be COTD?

I can kinda see that.

I bet an IBM Selectric across the face fucking hurts!