
She gets what she wants?

Is everyone afraid of and against free speech?

So, you're afraid of and against free speech?

My observation is that—-IT WORKS—-so shame on everyone.

Dude, you just don't want to hear it because you are what I'm saying.

You're doing some stuff I find annoying here.

No, the social contract is beyond any one society.

First of all, I wish you were my neighbor or something because that would be fun. Like I've said before, I don't care about differences that much, but enjoy commonalities!

The deal is that it's HIGHLY unlikely human nature has changed in tens of thousands of years, if not more. However, we have had cultures, like Rome, where stuff like public murder, using foreigners as whores, etc was all completely average behavior. They also had cruel public policies and thought pity was a mental

It's also worth noting that the definition of "porn" has a couple definitions.

First of all, I like your posts and I don't care if your opinion is different, whether we ever agree, I just appreciate that you're writing them well and intelligently. So, That's great and I love discussing things like an adult instead of psychotically arguing in weird ways, which is typical here.

I used to do therapy with sex offenders in the prison system and what was mentioned in the article is consistent with what I used to do.

Dude, the story is about the guy STOPPING what other people claim to need doctors, expensive programs, and years of meetings/therapy for. And, you mean to tell me you've NEVER heard of someone hooking up with a person only to find they're much different once the relationship is solidified?

See, you're doing it, that's because you're an asshole who wants their bubble to be very secure.

Get some life experience.

That was super interesting and I'm sure if we knew each other we would get along just great because we have many shared interests. It's also clear that you are a smart woman and I'm a smart guy, so we'd have lots to talk about.

You're adding all of these things to what I've said and I never said them.

You aren't thinking about it enough.

I couldn't and didn't read your insane rambling post.

Sure is, what?