
I've told you, and explained, she's not doing anything sexual. You just keep ignoring it.

Is masturbating to a picture somehow "classist" what because you have to be able to afford the internet?

You've sounded completely nuts from the beginning.

I just moved back to Philly where this happened.

A weird waste of time.

Why don't you say the same blind moronic shit like five more times?

I don't care what you think I am.

That's some rambling crap and I didn't read it.

That's called a "conversion disorder" nowadays and is a real thing.

You need to face that the kind of "sexuality" you see in porn and in prostitution has next to nothing to do with sexuality. It's like calling anorexia and "eating habit" and criticizing someone like me for calling it what it is.

You haven't worked with shit and if you did it was like for five minutes.

You know nothing about the topic so what does it matter to you?

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about and just repeating a bunch of political shit.

Well, I don't see any decency regarding the girl this post is about, so I don't have much sympathy for you. Next, she'll be hooked up with another such man, shooting heroin, etc and no one will have given a fuck.

You have the same fucking retarded angle as so many assholes on here.

Well, actually, he was okay with using some terms like that because he thought the various negative states were just indulgences.

Your ten second google search achieved poor results.

God, I cannot stand you idiots.

What do you think he's about, can't wait.

That has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.