
The '70s was largely a terrible time in this grand old country for cars, politics, fashion, the environment, industry, the economy, sex, drugs, television, and pretty much every thing else. The '70s was just a screwed up time.

I'm the guy in the Civic laughing his ass off while you're getting a ticket for driving like an asshat.

So that's why Grandmama is gone all day when she says she's going to church.

More to the point, the next car will be a Prius, or some similar hybrid vehicle, or straight electric if the bugs can be worked out, unless I get to move to some location close to a public transit, where my next vehicle might say NIKE on the side. I chose not to be an early adopter of hybrid technology, perferring to

Oil is a commodity. It doesn't matter where it comes from. Of course, you knew that, right?

Bite me.

Gee, and I always thought prices were determined by supply and demand, more or less. Silly me.

Because driving, especially of such ridiculous contrivances as lift trucks, is optional in Europe, and the powers that be (and the voters who elect them) have a strong interest in discouraging their use in favor of buses and light rail. So money spent on fossil fuel over there generally goes toward the latter. Here,

Stove pipes in the back? What, they're not polluting the air enough , so they converted their trucks to coal or something?

No. They're the reason gas is $3.80/gal. I personally don't care if they go mudding in their truck every weekend. I don't even care if they do tractor pulls for a living. It doesn't matter. They're burning up a bunch of fuel and mucking up the environment just to be doing it.

Mind you, people who came from money understand the utter pointlessness of this sort of thing; it's why their families still have money. It's the ones from the trailer parks/slums who have money thrust upon them for some reason (lottery, professional sports, rap music, etc.) who feel they absolutely must splurge on

I once really wanted a 84-88 Cutlass coupe. It had style, it had comfort (mmmm, velour!), and it even had a modicum of power (if you had the V8), even though you could only really use it while going in a perfectly straight line. It also got pretty lousy gas mileage, but gas was cheap and getting cheaper back then.

Or you could just drink porter. Yummy, delicious porter.

In other words, if there's nothing in it, nothing at all, does it still exist?

Until there's a "report" button for spammers, I suggest rec'ing them. That ought to get someone's attention.

Don't kid yourself. They take off the caps to keep you coming back to shell out another fiver for a bottle of water on that 102 degree day on which they're holding this music festival. Notice they don't hold very many of these things in October; kind of hard to keep you buying those $9 Bud Lights and $6 cafeteria

Oh, do tell us more!

You know that stuff will rot your brain.

Top 40 has been around since the do-wop days. Still, I agree with you. Corporate radio suck the big one. It's NPR or nothing for me.

I never suggested otherwise, but whatevs.