
Dayum! Your rubber froze like that? How cold does it get by you?

Actually, I'm the worst Deadspinner ever. I just called Pat Tillman (RIP) a Kool-Aid drinking Bush drone with no mind of his own and an idiot for choosing the Special Forces over the NFL, and teatards' heads are asploding this very minute.

So what about these cars where the manufacturer no longer includes a spare tire to save, but some form of Fix-A-Flat instead?

Related And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Parts: Check Tire Pressure The reason to check your tire pressure is usually explained with some nearly unbelievable statistical simile bordering on hyperbole. If everyone… Read… Tire pressure gauge: As our sister site Jalopnik points out: "checking tire pressure on a

killed by friendly fire in an Afghanistan mountain pass

I wrote a stego program from scratch in Perl that runs about 100 or so lines. It's EASY to do. I used PNG (lossless JPEG) to demo it for my class project. Text files, Word docs, other image files, ANYTHING can be stuffed into the least-significant bits of an image file. It basically goes like this:

Well, the current version of the KGB has gone to the sneakernet for their secure communications. That ought to tell you something.

LOL! And I thought the Houston Astros were bad.

Subarus are badass in the snow, and we get a lot of that in Upstate NY.

We should just accept who we are and move to South Carolina and put the confederate flag on the helmet because we're "proud of our history."

A woodchipper would be overkill, but it gives me an idea. Could one modify a paper shredder for this job? Mice are small.

Or a small piece of dry ice, so they slowly suffocate.

Or put a fishbowl at the bottom, so your cats remember with what a real mouse looks like. Lazy sacks of shit, my cats are. Spoiled rotten.

See, that's the difference between Denny's and, say, Comcast. You can always find somewhere else to go to clog your arteries besides Denny's if they piss you off. Not so with the cable company.

OR, all ISPs should be required to pay into a kitty (based on revenue) that would then have the wherewithall to establish and maintain quality Internet service on a national level. No more of this fighting over whose responsibility it is to fix things when they go down. The system itself would be run as a public

Utica, NY, here. 240 miles from Yankee Stadium. 260 from Fenway Park. We probably have about 40% Red Sox fans here.

It's a lot of money to spend just to watch crappy cable TV.

On the inside, it reminds me of our old '91 Civic. We loved that car - and we drove the living piss out of it for ten years until Upstate NY road salt finally killed it off. As long as the Honda bits are OEM (I take it they are) and I can see there are no discernable problems with the body, NP, although I would want

Well, I disagree. Logos do matter. They should at least look nice. This does not. You might as well go back to the Internet dark ages and just use Times Roman and call it a day.

The fact that we're spread out over a whole continent is the very reason building a high-speed rail network would be cheaper to do than most naysayers realize.