I also noticed that when there are Prime-eligible items and non-Prime eligible items competing with them, the Prime-eligible items cost more. I'm cancelling mine.
I also noticed that when there are Prime-eligible items and non-Prime eligible items competing with them, the Prime-eligible items cost more. I'm cancelling mine.
Actually, it was Leo Bloom who said that, while cooking Bialystock's books.
And no significant other either, I take it. Mine will carelessly pick up and toss any item in her way to the back seat. I recently nearly missed a medical appointment because of that. I can see her picking up that hot, melty thing, getting ready to dispose of it someplace, and spilling the contents all over herself …
You win the thread.
That would work, unless I wanted to put my large coffee in there.
You've gotten me started.
Beat me to it. First of all, I find most artificially produced fragrances absolutely abhorrent. Second, leave a Yankee Candle in your car, leave car in boiling hot parking lot, and watch hilarity ensue the first time somebody knocks the thing over. And it will happen; you can bet your paycheck on it.
Crack Pipe <<====H|=====>> Nice Price
Neutral: How close is your MPG to the EPA number? You doing better or worse than the EPA says you should do? Is it your car? Your drive? Your under inflated tires?
Nissan says they're working on a new Li-Ion battery that can work just as well under extreme desert heat as it can under normal conditions.
You know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm talking about you joining the unemployment line, with nothing on the horizon for months and months out, and you getting foreclosed upon. Tell me your homeowner's policy covers that.
Yeah, the good thing in my case was that I was in South Carolina at the time, where cars don't rust. I saw a (very) few in Watertown, New York, in the very early 90s that were literally held together by prayer (which is what you use when not even duct tape works). Most of those prayers were answered with "you really…
I had an '80 Chevette, and I generally agree with you. The main appeal of that car and those that came after was that it was cheap. I'm talking third-world market cheap, which is the only way you could get anyone to buy one after about 1980 or so. That, and it was generally tough as nails; it would take just about…
Now we need to hope that you never remember the Aveo.
OK. Station wagons have more room for batteries, and usually come with a more robust suspension system than a sedan (or a two-seater hatchback). Probably a pretty good form factor for a conversion, especially if you can figure out a way to stick a solar array on that extended roof.
That's what I said. Ten grand for a fully-functional electric car? Here, let me find an early 90s Honda Civic (I miss the old '91 hatchback) and I'll pay the nerd squad ten large to electrify it for me. Those cars were awesome to begin with, and would be even more so with all-electric works.
I was unaware the University of Phoenix had a football team until UofP stadium hosted a Super Bowl. Now I tell this lame joke any chance I get.
Those words mean so much to someone who scrubs garbage cans. - Bill Murray
I never miss it.
I collect dust. My wife collects spider webs.