
And the Grenada of the 1970s was a sort-of copy of a Mercedes-Benz. As if you couldn't still tell you were driving a Ford with a crappy inline-6 cylinder engine from the Stone Age with all kinds of emissions crap attached to it.

I seem to recall that there were around 5000 fans in attendance the day Ernie Banks hit his 500th home run. (1) The Cubs were terrible, and (2) it was a day game in the middle of the week.

I was thinking about duranium alloy. The next version will have multiphasic shields and quantum torpedoes.

Does he also have a white cat?

"...the time saved was offset in many cases by an evolving standard of cleanliness, which meant more time cleaning."

True. I've seen it close up, and it's doing a fair job of self-destruction. It was about a year after the Expos moved to D.C., and the place was looking pretty sad. They still had the posters of Andre Dawson and Gary Carter in the walkways.

Were the groundskeepers on strike or something? That looks like what happens to a freshly sodded lawn if you forget to water it.

Well, Lego bricks are considerably less dense than concrete; you do want to keep the wind from blowing it over while you're building it.

If you're reading a German cookbook, everything non-liquid in the recipe is by weight except where you're dealing with tablespoons or teaspoons of stuff. So yeah, we have a scale too.

I guess it would depend on how long you were with a particular employer. I don't see anything wrong with something like:

TARC is still miles better than what we have in the Utica/Rome area of New York (don't get me started on that), which is the functional equivalent of bupkis. So yeah, I'd take spotty bus service over utterly useless bus service.

You can get around this by stating time periods in years rather than months. I doubt very many people seriously care whether you started such-and-such job in May or September. If they do, you can always tell them later and impress them with your total recall.

...yet. It used to be semi-illegal to do this - it would violate the agreement the card companies had with the gas stations. Thanks to the CARD Act (I think), this is no longer the case. If you can get people to prepay in cash for gas in exchange for a nickel a gallon discount, you're actually splitting the savings

Just be sure you know what the annual fees are with those cards. I was on a plane recently when the flight attendants started passing out these applications for the airline's super awesome get free miles credit card. I grabbed one, saw where the annual fee was $90, and left it in the seat pocket along with the barf

You're still right. There are some places where climate control is not really optional, that is, unless you really enjoy sweating. I've lived in a couple of these places, like South Carolina. I once bought a stripper pickup truck because you couldn't beat the price. I lasted until just after Memorial Day before I

Price Chopper does this too. Two catches - (1) Price Chopper cards only work at Sunoco, which usually has higher gas than everybody else, and (2) we hate PC with the intensity of a thousand suns. Dirty stores, bad customer service, and the aforementioned loyalty cards are our top three complaints.

If you get yourself a Citgo (refillable) gift card, you get a nickel off a gallon. YMMV on that, though; I've been in a few towns where Citgo gas was a dime higher than everybody else's.

Toyota Corollas are good for that sort of thing. We have a friend who drives beater Corollas and the thing that usually breaks them is the climate, what with all the sodium chloride on the streets from December through March.

You lucky bastard. We've got kind of a triangle going that screws us big time. There's our house, there's my workplace, located in an area we'd rather not live in about 12 miles away, and there's my spouse's workplace, located in another area where we've also been unable to find acceptable accommodations, 12 miles

Super (not so) secret insurance hack #1 - pay off your note as aggressively as your budget will allow, then raise your deductible. Yeah, I know, the interest rate on your car note is something like nothing percent, but full coverage auto insurance is kind of like paying extra interest if you can afford to do without