
You lucky bastard. We've got kind of a triangle going that screws us big time. There's our house, there's my workplace, located in an area we'd rather not live in about 12 miles away, and there's my spouse's workplace, located in another area where we've also been unable to find acceptable accommodations, 12 miles

Super (not so) secret insurance hack #1 - pay off your note as aggressively as your budget will allow, then raise your deductible. Yeah, I know, the interest rate on your car note is something like nothing percent, but full coverage auto insurance is kind of like paying extra interest if you can afford to do without

Number of pitches thrown at Alex Rodriquez?

A-Rod makes it real easy to hate the Yankees. I prefer National League ball anyway. Go Reds.

I guess I'm spoiled at SUNYIT. It's a fairly small institution, and the same instructors teach the same classes every time. The names are posted along with the schedule. And you can find out what text you'll need (if any) several weeks in advance. You really don't need to go to the bookstore for much else but

Just learn to say no, loudly and often.

It was also the daddy of the Chevette. The only U.S. made subcompact of the 70s that was worth a damn (get the 4-speed, not the automatic, and avoid the diesel engine), and it was designed by Opel in Germany. Tough little car; you could really beat the hell out of it.

I had mine play Blitzkreig Bop before the old lady made me quit it.

Ex-Cubs. Gotta love 'em.

Stock '06-'11 Honda Civic LX sedan. It has been determined by the court of nerd opinion at my place of employment, where we happily churn out computer software, to be the nearly perfect car. Just roomy enough, just enough power, just enough style not to be confused with a current-gen Toyota Corolla. And not

I did a similar thing when I finished paying off my credit cards. I paid off my car about three years early. Now the money is going in my 401K.

I wonder what would happen if I were to drill a 1/2 inch hole right above where the soap goes in the flimsy little drawer on my machine. My guess is, there isn't anything in that particular spot other than enameled metal. Drill holes corresponding to the soap, bleach, and fabric softener, install grommets and

Something that green should have the steering wheel on the other side.

I once made a joke that a sure-fire way to kill your husband in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses and get away with it is to feed him whatever he wants. I even suggested publishing a cookbook with that title.

Please elaborate. Do you write code, or do you man the help desk?

Not the whole party, just the part south of the Mason-Dixon line. That was the other neat feature of the Democratic Party prior to the Johnson administration - it was really two parties in one. You had the northern liberals (like famously "wet" Al Smith of New York, and of course FDR, also of New York, and the

I commandeer my wife's Corolla on a regular basis for this very reason. She'll run the thing with bad brakes/belts/whatever to the point of catastrophic failure if I let her.

A work of art, it is, but not worth 78 large.

Yeah, this is probably something Andrew Cuomo did for us back when we all still loved him. Hooray for New York State!

Back then. When the dinosaurs ruled the Earth. I didn't have the tailfin era in mind when I posted that (a bit before my time), but you're right.