
Septic tanks, FTW!

Yeah, but I have yet to see one from Gerber Life, or from any company offering reverse mortgages, or anything remotely resembling a hokey kitchen gadget, or some right-wing organization telling us how awful President Obama is, or how awesome fracking is for farmers, or, well, you get the picture. Tell me you get the

One day, the fine people at Geneva will come up with rules as to where you can fly these things and when and who you can shoot with what. Until then, we're just going to have to wing it, same as with every other major advance in the science of warfare.

Because as anyone knows, only a Republican President can make that determination for sure.

But if there were no ads, you'd pay $30/month. Remember, you're getting TV shows a day later, not a season later like with Netflix.

I thought members of the British Commonwealth were supposed to have this whole writing in English thing down cold:

The ads are no big deal. You get one or two of them where you'd usually get five or six, and they're national brand name commercials, not the sort of garbage you get on basic cable all the time, or a three-minute mini-infomercial for some drug that will make your dick fall off.

Why not just call it Sarcastaball and be done with it.

The chicken tax is no longer a valid excuse, seeing as most Japanese manufacturers have plants in the USA. Just give us our $14,000 Hyundai pickup, dammit!

I'd love to have a truck like that. In South Korea, it's called a Bongo truck - I think Kia actually calls their pickups that. Cab-over in the front with a little four-banger diesel engine, nice, wide, flat bed in back where all three sides fold down like your red Fiat. And tiny little duals, presumably to make the

You can at least find parts for a VW Bus. I think they have to have somebody in Italy make parts for that Alfa by hand. If you like looking at your van, immobile, in your driveway a lot, well, there you go.

I give you the 1960 Edsel. Say what you want, but this is just a pretty car. My neighbor down the street has one, and I had to do a double-take when I first saw it, seeing as they only made a couple thousand of them, and there are probably maybe a couple hundred (tops) left on the road.

Man, you don't know just how bulletproof the Chevette was. I had a brown 1980 "sedan." One day, the crankshaft bolt sheared off, leaving the fan belt in shreds and the crankshaft pulley on the side of the road. Now, I know what you're thinking at that point if that were to happen to you - tow truck. Nope. I was

That's because they're driven by people who have no interest in cars. Like my better half. Door dings? Those add character. Just shove that junk in the back seat to one side and have a seat. Is there any more room in the trunk? No? Well, I've been meaning to run out to the Salvation Army to drop that stuff off

A German friend of ours once described Indianapolis as a city the size of Munich with nothing to do.

Funny thing, that. Most people who drive Buicks have all this horsepower that's just going to waste. The way most geezers drive them, you might as well put a four-banger sewing machine engine from an old Corolla in it.

There was. I wouldn't call it bad future-proofing as much as poorly-disguised planned obsolescence. Now there'll be another Nexus 7 just in time for Christmas with the Snapdragon 800 or its successor. And 4 GB of memory.

So what kind of stuff is there to do in Covington? Any good IT stuff?

Taxes are low, but wait until you have kids to send to school. Kentucky isn't exactly a top-ten state in that regard. That state is the poster child for "you get what you pay for."