
My trusty old printer is plugged into the wireless router via Ethernet, but that's about it.

Pre-loaded with whatever you think you need, of course. Assume that the wi-fi, if it's provided, is either ridiculously overpriced, painfully slow and unreliable, or both. The laptop would be a waste of precious poundage in your bag, whereas you could probably get in a good read with a tablet.

Your payment records are also part of your credit history. I would think that if you pay your CC in full every month without fail, you're doing yourself a big favor.

So paying the balance in full every month is bad for your credit score? That makes absolutely no sense.

Number one rule: DON'T CARRY A BALANCE! If you get started in the revolving aspect of credit cards, you'll have a hell of a time getting back out. The interest will kick your ass.

Yes. Nixon is still recognized as probably our most spiritually flawed President. George W. Bush was merely similar to Nixon, only without Dick's intelligence.

Is that Strong Bad? He's lost weight.

I tell you all what. Up here in Central New York, it gets cold in the winter, colder than you pansies in the Sun Belt can handle. And it snows, 100+ inches a year. And winter runs from November through April. I don't even wear a jacket unless it's close to freezing because I'm sweating like crazy in it otherwise.

Central New York here. At 10 AM it's already 80 degrees. The cats show scant interest in going outside even though the sun is shining (for a change - it's been raining like nobody's business from Father's Day up until this past weekend). So they pick an AC unit and sit in front of it.

I just started watching Orange Is the New Black. It's kind of like Private Benjamin Goes To Prison.

I think this was the recipe I used:

Toyotas are pretty much bulletproof. We have a neighbor who swears by them.

We ran our last two cars about ten years each. Those were the days of Mom's Taxi and Dad's Limo, which have since gone out of business. We're putting about 2/3 the miles on our cars that we used to, so I'm hoping for 15 years, or until sodium chloride turns them ratty. Who knows? Maybe ten years is the best you

If it's late June/early July, it's sour cherry season around here. After getting zero cherries last year because of an April freeze, we got a bumper crop this year. After making a bazillion jars of pie filling (and a very tasty pie), the rest (about five pounds or so) went straight to the freezer after pitting.

I discovered a recipe for bread and butter pickled zucchini (sliced for sandwiches). Lots of folks never knew that those weren't cucumbers in there. Mmm, yum-o!

Just one point I'd like to make. The Grand Canyon is thousands of feet deep, whereas the tallest buildings in New York are only hundreds of feet deep. You'd be looking down at quite an angle to see the Empire State building from the rim.

Well, the number one rule of the All Star Game is to make sure your outgoing veterans get their last moment in the sun. Or under the lights, whatever.

Is it that, or is it that they could be built quickly and very cheaply. Either explanation probably works. Anyway, I've been on a few college campuses, and was appalled at the number of buildings that were constructed of bare reinforced concrete, without adornment, as if someone wanted to suck all the life out of

There is (or was) a sweatshop in Haiti where the MLB game balls are made. In fact, while I was down there for Operation Restore/Uphold Democracy, some of my fellow soldiers were able to obtain souvenir baseballs to bring back with them.