
Ken Griffey Sr. played right field. Quite well, I might add. I think Babe Ruth did, too, but they didn't snag him from the Red Sox because of his glove.

I had to look it up to be sure, but he's the second to do it for the Cincinnati Reds = Vander Meer was the first.

Must be one of those joints where they have a million kinds of beer. Bet more than a couple of people wonder, "where the hell is Utica, New York?" Smack dab in the middle of the state, that's where.

As we used to say in UC-land, we drink all we can; the rest we sell. Cheers to you if you can find Utica Club outside a 30-mile radius or so of Utica (I think the Fort Drum Class Six store carries it, but that's really pushing it). Best $14/case brewski there is.

But if the heat is free and abundant, and all you have to do is collect it, all one would be worried about is how much the generator would cost, right?

Depends on ridership. The thing is, it's an infrastructure improvement just like building a road, so it can be amortized over a long period of time.

Well, the civil engineers in charge of that project need to be fired, because making streetcar traffic compete for the right of way with other traffic defeats the whole purpose of having streetcars. My apologies to you.

IIRC, driving in the streetcar lane for any reason other than passing someone was against traffic rules and will get you a ticket. The streetcar always has the right-of-way. You still haven't shown why the streetcar is a bad idea other than to point out - again - that the track needs to be laid and that they will

Light rail uses much less energy than buses. They also get you where you want to be quicker because, unlike buses, they don't have to share the right-of-way with the rest of traffic.

OK, for one thing, the Washington Examiner is a right-wing rag that makes the Times look like the Village Voice. Two, it appears from reading over the IG's report that they were using FB "likes" as some sort of metric. That is not exactly the same thing as "buying" likes for the sake of having them, unless the

Phoenix, Arizona, of all places, is a "great hockey town?" Really? Name one Phoenix native in the NHL. OK, name one Phoenix native in all of professional hockey. Hockey in Phoenix is kind of like having a saguaro cactus growing in one's back yard in Syracuse, New York - an oddity to say the least. I have heard,

I like the last one. Maybe you can use the big 6" drainage pipes to make a carport/garage or a greenhouse. I wonder if somebody on eBay has old GP-Medium army tents for sale.

It sure would say to the whole world, "f*** you, bitches! I'm so loaded I can buy a supercar that was actually driven by the Stig on BBC television (certificate of authenticity in a frame in my den), and then do this to it!"

Just shut up. You sound like a complete idiot when you say shit like that.

Which is why everything is on fire. If anyplace in the US needs a fireworks ban, it's these zero humidity states in the Southwest.

And yet, if you were to come to Upstate New York around this time of year, you'll see all kinds of people shooting off illegal fireworks they bought in Pennsylvania, and law enforcement does diddly squat. You would think firing off a fat Roman candle would bring such attention to yourself that there would be a dozen


Well, we could just shoot it out into space. I wonder if it would coalesce into a wet spheroid, like a moon made out of water.

Man, if it weren't for my old lady, I wouldn't be doing it either. But I'm up anyway, so I do it because 6:30 is a ridiculous time to be showing up to work.

And the most lucrative sinecure ever.