
Will they be serving Brawndo?

I like mine a little past medium. So what I do is keep track of which steak went on the grill last. That one's mine.

You need the little skinny ones. I bought mine at Target.

If we had to farm Greenland and Antarctica, you would have to find something to grow that could deal with the extremes of day/night length that exist at such high latitudes.

Uh, yeah. The Mediterranean Sea was a freshwater lake, and the English Channel was all dry land. All that shallow area around Florida was probably dry as well.

The ice sheets didn't cover the entire Earth. Surely there would have been artifacts to find at the more tropical latitudes.

My old lady likes to cut open the steak and visually observe that there is no trace of pink inside (why does she torture me so?). Forget that. If the meat thermometer reads in the 155-165 range, your steak is done. No need to do anything else to it.

The writers of Deep Space Nine dreamed up the concept in about 1998.

That's the other Ella, your stepsister.

It depends upon what history on which he was commenting (I suspect it was mainly that of the then-contemporary Greeks), and whether he attributed the outcomes of things like wars to any of the various gods, the existence of whom cannot be proven. Taking dictation from a shaman of stories that have been passed down

So you're basically taking whoever it was who wrote down those word-of-mouth folk stories at his word. Verbatim. Without questioning the source. The Bible as pure history, unembellished. Well, if that's what floats your boat.

Prove it.

Interesting. I wonder if anyone in Upstate NY has ever heard of such a thing. I haven't, and I've lived here for 20+ years.

Why not just decant the leftover wine to a smaller container? It sounds naive, but it seems to me that a lot of the problem is headspace, and putting the wine in a smaller bottle would solve that, I would think.

Or it could simply be that pasteurized beer has a longer shelf life. Not that that's a problem in my house with my homemade beer. It tends to go quickly.

I would think the ethanol would take care of that. That's one reason the Pilgrims brought beer with them on the Mayflower.

So since all the cats other than F. Catus have been used, Apple has decided upon a new naming scheme.

My Corolla might be a boring Beigemobile, but it lets me keep enough money in my pocket for other stuff that isn't boring.

I hate talk like that, but if you're renting tires and rims, you're probably driving something more than you can afford already, and that's probably not the whole picture, either. The reason I'm middle class is because I never had any of that crap I didn't need in my house back when I didn't have any money. People

I just came up with a hell of an idea. I live in Upstate New York, where it can snow up to a dozen feet a year. Lots of us roll snow tires in the winter, which means we have several sets of tires taking up space in the garage/basement/back yard/wherever. Getting the tires changed twice a year is a major PITA, and