
This is what happens when Republicans take over a state wholesale. Screw the environment, screw alternative fuel, screw anything other than oil and gas. Next thing you know, they'll be taxing fuel efficiency, where you get to pay extra for the privilege of driving a non-hybrid Honda Civic because it gets mid-30s

Dat foglight that won't be on anyone's Corolla. Textured black plastic for all. :-(

There's good vanilla ice cream, like Ben and Jerry's, which is a real treat, and there's store-brand vanilla-flavored ice milk, the eating of which ought to be doled out as punishment. Honda Accords fall under the former category, most Chevys fall under the latter.

No other animal gets to keep reproducing for up to 40 years. In prehistoric times, the issue of menopause rarely came up because most people would die anyway by that time. You know, starving to death, being eaten by large cats, succumbing to this infection or that, etc.Successful evolution usually happens in

I always wondered what the people of Idiocracy did for coffee.

1) Green

In short, it's like taking bags of coke from the drug kingpin you just busted and going forward with the deals in progress to nab his customers. No entrapment there.

You basically need a mug with a heatsink on the bottom, right?

Egad. Delete this, somebody.

December 1984 - a few days +/- the winter solstice, when it starts getting dark at around 3PM in southern Germany. I'm on the A831 headed back to Patch Barracks in a government-issue Plymouth Reliant. For the record (and what I told the polizei), I hit black ice and ran off the road onto the rumble strip. However I

I'm still not paying $14.95/mo. (or whatever it is now, I didn't check). I don't care how good it is.

Abrams' Star Trek was the New Coke of Star Trek, or it should have been treated as such. I could handle a reboot. I could handle a prequel if it had made any sense. But this destruction of Vulcan/promoting Kirk nonsense was just too much. That was it. That was the moment Star Trek had really jumped the shark, no,

I actually tried to get a 1980 Chevette to do a burnout, or even chirp the tires on takeoff. No dice. 58 swayback horses weren't enough, even on cheap tires.

I thought you were promoting after-tax retirement plans. Roth 401K is such a plan, if your employer has expanded its plan to include one. The main thing I would be concerned about is the selection of funds in which to invest. Ours are pretty much OK, but yours might suck. This is where the regular Roth comes in

There are Roth 401Ks now.

Actually yes, OP did try the math. He said, "if you have a low interest student loan (think less than 5%), then it might make sense to start investing before accelerating pay-off.

I appear to be the rare animal who is a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek.

Mmmmmm, cheese! After beer, mankind's greatest accomplishment.

Well, let me fill you all in. Dish Network has a German language package with four or five channels. DirecTV does not, and last I checked, Time/Warner Cable only had Deutsche Welle. So that's that.

Holy crap! I see the Woolworth Building, which was the tallest in the world about a century ago. All the way down there.