
Not the same. Do you really want to see me divorced?

So how do I keep my German wife happy? Keep in mind that she's a complete idiot when it comes to technology.

That would have been my question - what is the outstanding balance on your HELOC? Shooting from the hip, I would consider that like I would credit card debt and deal with it accordingly (as in paying it off in full as quickly as I possibly could), and refi the first mortgage.

Them and the Miami Marlins.

German TV keeps me paying through the nose for Dish Network. If not for that, I would have cut the cord long ago.

Master cylinder underneath.

And as promised, here is my list of Commandments:

I hearby declare myself pope of the new Open Source Church. Everyone is welcome to join, as long as you help me write the Open Source Bible. As pope, my job will be to moderate user contributions and provide a list of Commandments (or user guidelines, whatever) that will serve as a foundation of this mighty edifice

If I wanted to join a religion started by a sci-fi writer, I'd choose the Church of Trek.

Why not pick a different star? Orion? Betelgeuse? Hmm, "beetle juice!" Lots of cool star name from which to choose. Vega's suckitude is not only indelibly imprinted on the minds of anyone who was there at the time, but it's legendary. It's as if Ford decided to build a new near-luxury sedan called the Edsel II.

And then there's Dave's No Label. It's brewed in my basement, comes in a variety of bottles, from old Sam Adams to old Saranac (pretty much generic brown), to old Beck's green to some 22 oz bottles I bought at the homebrew store.

I thought the plain upright script meant that the manufacturer didn't care about actually selling this one anymore.

Yeah, and do that about a million times. Then do the back yard.

Modern sports stadiums are increasingly built for people who don’t go to sporting events to watch sports.

In New York, the SUNY schools are nearly all in Div III - hardly the place to go and ask for a multi-million dollar salary to coach football. My Div III alma mater (SUNYIT) doesn't even have a football team. This leaves places like Syracuse, which is a private school, so nobody gives a rip what Joe Boeheim

Just borrow the FLORIDA tag from FARK.

At least a car is useful.

Or a tailhook?

I was stationed at Fort Drum in the early and mid 90s, and I remember seeing two and three year old Cavaliers with rusted-out trunk lids. Watertown is way more brutal than Syracuse or Utica, I can tell you.

That's what session beers are for. I have three bombers left of some rather potent Imperial blond ale, and I wish I'd have put in in regular 12 oz. bottles. A whole bomber will make you very mellow, two will put you on your ass.