
Them and the Miami Marlins.

German TV keeps me paying through the nose for Dish Network. If not for that, I would have cut the cord long ago.

Master cylinder underneath.

Why not pick a different star? Orion? Betelgeuse? Hmm, "beetle juice!" Lots of cool star name from which to choose. Vega's suckitude is not only indelibly imprinted on the minds of anyone who was there at the time, but it's legendary. It's as if Ford decided to build a new near-luxury sedan called the Edsel II.

I thought the plain upright script meant that the manufacturer didn't care about actually selling this one anymore.

Yeah, and do that about a million times. Then do the back yard.

Modern sports stadiums are increasingly built for people who don’t go to sporting events to watch sports.

In New York, the SUNY schools are nearly all in Div III - hardly the place to go and ask for a multi-million dollar salary to coach football. My Div III alma mater (SUNYIT) doesn't even have a football team. This leaves places like Syracuse, which is a private school, so nobody gives a rip what Joe Boeheim

Just borrow the FLORIDA tag from FARK.

At least a car is useful.

Or a tailhook?

I was stationed at Fort Drum in the early and mid 90s, and I remember seeing two and three year old Cavaliers with rusted-out trunk lids. Watertown is way more brutal than Syracuse or Utica, I can tell you.

That's what session beers are for. I have three bombers left of some rather potent Imperial blond ale, and I wish I'd have put in in regular 12 oz. bottles. A whole bomber will make you very mellow, two will put you on your ass.

Where is everybody? Are all the cat lovers staying away for fear of getting the beatdown with the banhammer? Well, I am not afraid, and I will say that the difference between (most) cats and (nearly all) dogs is that cats spend considerable effort toward the goal of reducing their scent profile to nearly zero, all

That said, our basement is the perfect place to do beer. Ales during the summer, lagers during the winter.

If you want to make beer, the starter kit usually runs about $100. In addition to that, you'll need a large pot (I bought mine at Wal-Mart), and enough bottles to put the stuff in (about four dozen, no twist-offs). My homebrew is to die for.

And many Republicans in DC read this rag exclusively. Kind of like sniffing your own armpits.

I guess we can both agree that the USA PATRIOT Act needs to go.

I think they'd have been up Aunt Bessy's skirt long before her demise. Cool your paranoia.

I don't really share your paranoia when it comes to government, but they do know quite a bit about you, which makes me wonder why we are still compelled to even submit tax returns at all. It seems to me that the IRS - probably the big daddy of them all when it comes to people's personal information - already has all