
Well, you don't want to buy a used car from me. It'll usually have a ridiculously large number on the odometer, along with the aforementioned wear and tear associated with winter in Upstate NY.

Thank you. It's not the prettiest, nor the fastest, nor the most comfortable, nor the least of any of those. It's just a car, a solidly reliable and economical one. It's sturdy enough to put up with my wife driving it every day, and she tends to be rather hard on machinery. It will start every day, in any weather,

The Civic, at least the previous generation car that I own, is a damn fine compact sedan. Too bad Honda had to go and make it into a Corolla.

I had fun once looking at the specs of some of these luxury cars from this period. Massive 12 or 16 cylinders engines with equally massive frames to support them. Horsepower in the 150 range, about the same or somewhat less than a typical midsize to compact Chevy or Ford today. I'd hate to know what the mileage

Whoppers are in a class by themselves.

If Big Macs are so good for you, why do they have 50% more bread than a regular burger? My guess is, whoever invented the Big Mac back in the 1970s put that middle slice in there for its visual impact, which was important in the 1970s. It's not a club sandwich, so there really isn't any other reason for it to be

Especially when you use that pink slime crap, which is basically dog food. Oh, and iceberg lettuce is the cheapest lettuce on Earth. They run it through a shredder, put that in a bag, and ship it out along with the frozen burger pucks. You usually get just enough lettuce to cover the burger before putting on the

And don't forget that the parking signs are written in some barely comprehensible language that most resembles ancient Klingon, and your interpretation of them is likely to differ sharply from that of whatever illiterate meter maid that inevitably arrives to ticket your car.

You mean like Scion. Manufacturers are perfectly able to set rules like this anytime they want, but they won't unless it's for some niche product for which they want the price controlled for some specific reason.

It would help if they weren't made in China and sucked ass.

The Dodgers did quite a bit of losing before the Jackie Robinson era. People still showed up to root for the Bums. The Mets need to be the Mets, not the old Brooklyn Dodgers who play in Queens.

Thou shalt not leave a bunch of crap in my vehicle. Just because your car is a rolling trash can, doesn't mean I do not have the right to keep my car clean. Yes, honey, I'm talking to you.

People's needs change. Toyota should make a Prius minivan - soccer moms everywhere would love them forever.

We always called it liquid Valium.

OK, the basic home bar for those on a budget:

People, the door edge guards were on the house. The $1495 was "adjusted market value." I'm surprised they didn't just abbreviate it to "AMV." Anyhoo, if you pay it, you're an idiot. Nobody needs a particular model car enough to pay more than MSRP. Wait until August, and they'll be begging you to come in and buy

And they seat about 20.

I always wanted one of those to drive to work. Actually, those were multifuel motors that could burn just about any flammable liquid (as long as you had enough of it).

Terra libera, domum fortis. The land of the free and the home of the brave. It sound so much cooler in Latin.