
The Germans call it a "kombi." As in "multi-purpose vehicle." Straight, and to the point, not to mention descriptive.

Well, some say his balls are made of a top-secret titanium alloy...and that he has at least five of them.

It's a wonderful place to live if you can afford it. I wouldn't even own a car.

Yeah, because safety, reliability, and durability are so boring. Cars with fatal flaws are so much more exciting and fun to drive.

Al is perfectly suitable for aircraft. Standards for auto body parts are not quite as demanding.

Can you wash your clothes (or dishes) in it? That's all I'm really asking, that my major appliances, for which I have paid significant amounts of money, are as reliable and durable as a a Toyota automobile. Is that really too much to ask? Our Corolla has to get us from point a to point b in all kinds of weather,

There is a disturbing trend that we've been burned on a few times now. Disposable major appliances. You go down to the basement to start the washing machine because somebody set off a laundry bomb down there. You fill the drum with all those towels that were used once and thrown on the floor, load up the soap

We set a $50 limit and stuck to it. That was our Christmas present to ourselves. We might take the difference and go out for Chinese and a movie with the Jews.

Or the even older school natural gasoline, which was perhaps 45 or so octane.

They gawk because you really are a rare bird, so to speak. Just like girls who really enjoy watching football or stock car racing (or Star Trek). I can't even think about watching a ballgame when my wife is home.

It is if you're starting your vigil on Thursday night.

And remember, if you're working on a holiday, you should be getting time and a half.

Same reason there aren't that many female gamers. I'm sure those who do play video games have the sort of nice, slender fingers combined with good manual dexterity, and a superior ability to focus instead of talk trash, to just utterly kick all our butts. But they don't want to because they (as a group, not

Corner lot?

I always wanted a deuce and a half. You know, for runs to Lowe's.

0. The number one rule of winter driving is to avoid it whenever possible. If you don't absolutely have to make a beer run right now when it's snowing so hard you can't see, don't. Wait until the plow trucks have done their jobs, at least.

Some people have very short driveways. Mine is 175 feet long, and since we live in way-upstate NY, we get around 10 feet of snow a year, so getting by with only a shovel is not an option.

What I would really be interested in is a hybrid lawn tractor. We live near Syracuse, New York - the snowiest metro area in the Lower 48. Ten feet of snow fall here in a typical year, and yet I use maybe three gallons of gas per season to clear a 175 foot driveway. In the summer, my lawn tractor uses that in less

Just stop crushing the damned glass bottles and reuse them. They do this in Germany, or at least they did when I lived there in the 80s.

It helps that it doesn't really weigh anything. If you look at the photo with the walk-through doors open, you see what I mean. Put wings on that sucker, and it would probably fly.