
Big deal, I've been doing that through Amazon for years...

This will show that Stripper who wronged me!

It still brings tears to my eyes to watch Senna footage.

2015 is not a Goodyear for this woman.

"The suspect was seen brandishing a Rubik's Cube in a threatening manner. The officer had no idea it wasn't a real Rubik's Cube..."

They should throw in a couple robot sign spinners to see if they confuse the car into taking an immediate right turn towards amazing savings.

Some also speculate that Ferrari wanted to show other buyers that "this is what happens when you don't get all the options."

*News flash*

Okay, at the very beginning of the video, it looks like there are 'protestors' on the hood of the car. Why?


Porsche, I love you.

Well at least the bomber still gets his suicide part in.

Grammar shifting, not double spacing like you should. I live my life a paragraph at a time. For those 10 sentences or less, I'm comprehensive reading.

Buying the S3 over the S4 purely based on that difference in 0-60 times is literally as stupid as pulling down your pants, asking the dude at the bar next to you to do the same, and then placing each others dicks next to each other (yes, touching!) and comparing which is bigger.

This is a great example of why road design is more important to safety than posted signs and laws.

Now playing

It had one of my most favorite James Bond themes in the whole franchise. This song essentially made me a fan with its orchestra and synth-faux-steel drums.

What does the survival rate increase to at 10 mph? How about 5? How about we ban cars and everyone can squeal in delight at their safety?
