
Jesus Christ that was good

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Earlier today, Charles had something to say to people who were upset by his words about the larger women in San Antonio. (Spoiler alert: It wasn't an apology.)

I don't come to deadspin to see two guys kissing. What do I tll my son when he sees this picture?

Steve Howe?

Right after this Joe Carter showed up and took him yard

We're not going to pretend this is uproariously hilarious...

Little did NBC know, this is all part of a plot to assassinate Baron Von Snockterburgen, that hat is actually a dagger!

My gut reaction to your reply was to scoot my @$$ on the ground like a dog. I wonder why that is...

The only Mad Dog I care to hear from:

I love sports, but these LSU guys continually eating grass is just too much for me.

"I'm not a racist, I let a colored man park my car today."

let's be clear..she was only advised against doing an on-camera interview with black people.

"Off to the game, Mrs. Sterling?"

Haha. Dude sends his wife to the game in his place due to a shitstorm caused by racist comments made to his girlfriend. Classic Sterling.

I don't think it's right to take someone's personal property away because the person has a stupid ass opinion.

I'm sorry the world's quest for less racism is getting in the way of racists being able to say whatever they want a public setting. He wasn't even at home or in a private space, he was at a basketball game.

"Forcibly removing Sterling from the NBA is unlikely to happen. The NBA's constitution, which is confidential, reportedly contains language permitting owners to authorize the league to sell a team without an owner's consent. The language, is told, only covers very limited circumstances and these circumstances

How? There is no legal way for him to force Sterling to sell his property. They can fine him, they can ban him from NBA affiliated events, they can make it incredibly uncomfortable and miserable for him to remain an owner, but they can't make him sell.

Folks need to be very careful about advocating folks be deprived of their property because they don't like what they say or believe.