
You win.

Exactly. He slid into the chalked line here, not away from it.

Look at that fucking hipster

Oh, and when I was training CF, my results were in-fuckin-credible.

Those certs are trash. I did CF from 2007-09. I had a good base in 90%+ of the lifts going in, and trained the main site's WOD at my gym. There were no CF gyms in Tampa at the time, and once they started to pop up, I checked them out.

Holy Christ...I know its vogue to defend Bradley for having to play out of position, but HOW can he look like it was a surprise every time the ball hit his foot? Just terrible first touch, and you're right to criticize him. Beasley was not in his "natural" position and he did just fine...

Flaire, actually

A guy that's into big Romanian cans.

Agreeing with you. Deadspin isn't a social advocate. They just act offended and try to lampoon everything that disagrees with their agendas.

As a douchebag that's passed the bar, I agree with you. She's not got a worry.

Well then its a lot of tsk tsking, pearl clutching, and pre-offended hurt-feelingoma

When questioned about his involvement in the lawsuit, Marino responded " I did what, now?"

Don't blame price. He's a Vandy man. Looking at all those udders got him confused, excited, and thinking about his college team's clubhouse showers.

2012 Atlantic Division Football Champs*

The tall one went into a chicken coop without shoes. That's a dozen times worse than the shovel pop.

Keep banging the old drum, bud. Where are you from and how old are you? Ever been to the south?

I don't see why he gives a shit. He's 85, wealthy beyond generations, and he sure isn't going to change. Why fake it? I'm rich, and racist, and eat a dick America.

Not at all. I just feel like RACISM is shouted at the South more vociferously than it is against the North. Dispute if you want, I'm just suggesting the theme is more often "Oh look, a Racist in the northeast," whereas similar comments would result in "Oh look these racists in the South are back at it again."
