
Which league, now?

Article: tl;dr

My wife was diagnosed with MS 5 years ago. After 2 years of follow up and me calling BS because the lesions didn't fit her numbness, and her diagnosis was rescinded. Three more years of follow up, and no more MS signs than the first time they worked her up for it.

When I read Tom's articles, which is increasingly infrequently, I just imagine the edited last line of each one is "I fucking hate those Jocks.

Or, Triple A is tougher than Double A, and the substance abuse isn't the problem, its the ballplayer.

Well if they did, not even Deadspin would write about them.

Did he also fuck himself in the ass?

That's it. First thought I had...."Nah, that's the same slide he's had since he left Tampa"

Nice? They didn't say anything about second and short. Its a miracle Gross took this shit for so long.

Only because your cousin's brother is always giving her the business when you stop by for yours.

Can't visit the Black Sea and not try the caviar

Perhaps the better question is how have owners in the other sports kept their player so far below fair value?

All the Whos down in Whoville shared in her outrage.

Throw in an antacid before bed, and you're gold.

You just stay alcoholic because you need the hair of the dog immediately?

Then running to the kitchen to grab another pan of green beans almondine for the buffet.

Thanks, Robin Hood. Let the idiots donate. They deserve to lose their money more than the victim of some fat-girl-in-ball-caps theft does.

Love Big Mac. Love him back in the game. Hate to see him in the Hall. I just don't see it, overall.

I don't think you have very much experience reviewing legal case files if you think the SAO report reflected a chargeable offense.

Bern's is actually a cheap steak dinner. Unparallelled in quality, but cheap.