
I know right!

Maybe he did? People still get pregnant when condoms are used.

Dude, life is complicated and shit happens.

Not to be (excessively) snarky, but if they're working it out privately, why should we care?

ugh it's like no one watched her doc on the 22nd - I did and she looks great, she's smart, funny, and happy. She is more in control of her career than people here seem to think. I am going to see her in Vegas as soon as I can, I saw her her in my city and she was great!

Warning people to stay out of the water if there is a shark nearby = good idea. This is humans getting out of the way so another creature can do it's thing. Sharks can't bite humans if there are no humans around to bite.

Ask and ye shall receive

Oh gad, fine!

But what good is this if his name isn't made public?

I'm willing to bet a few dudes will remember his face. Not all men are cool with guys beating up women. I have the feeling he will get his at some point.

Let's clarify a few things! I'm actually pretty much obsessed with etiquette and politeness. That's why I said "sorry," before I even asked the guy to move. I didn't touch him or get in his space in any way when I reached up to put my bag in the bin. I didn't "lean over him." In fact, I put my bag in the bin behind

This is a truly wonderful story... people can be really, really great. I admire the woman who wrote this, and the woman who took on those kids as a step parent.

Oh yay, let's commend Beyoncé for having a thigh-gap. First off, fuck you. Second off, her pelvis is probably pushed back as it so often is to create the illusion of thigh thinness to appease to thick thigh haters. Thirdly, I THOUGHT THIGH GAP WAS OLD NEWS.

"I cracked a blanket in half!"

Was anybody else disappointed it wasn't real? It was laugh out loud funny, but less funny when I found out it wasn't real.

Now playing

Be sure to keep an eye on the male anchor's expression while she tells this story. You can almost HEAR him thinking "oh God, do I stop her or just let her finish? This is going to end up on Youtube."

Bite your tongue! Alice was the best! Books about Alice please!!

My nana wants like an ambulance service that just picks her up and takes her home from whatever it is she's doing when she can't be bothered doing it anymore. I suggested a taxi but she said her idea also includes gin.

Now playing

I am almost 30 and when I hear "Unpretty" I still tear up like I did when I heard as a teen. One of the best songs..ever.

Know what? Screw it..I'm posting the video: