Tragically Hipster

I will say that Kevin Smith's description of that story was one of the funniest things I've ever heard.

Three words: Giant. Metal. Spider.

That's every Tom Clancy video game.

That could be said of every movie.

Now if the countries of the EU and the United States would just stop the millenia-long exploitation, genocide, and stripmining of Africa's people and natural resources and allowed them control over their own land and to charge a fair price for goods and labor, AND united as a group, then not only would they rival the

Vampire rock star, to be precise.

Continents are bigger than most countries. News at 11.

Behold me inevitably making a mistake in a post about Buffy.

This is what happened

Now playing

Best moment of the episode. Eska and Desna's laugh. Especially Eska's. My god. I'm really glad I wasn't drinking anything at that moment, or I would have needed a new laptop.

Reminds me of a guy in my frat at college.

Technically doesnt he evolve from a tragic fallen hero into a generic cartoonish villain?

The fact that this guy got framed as a suspect in his girlfriend's murder while she spent a year (relative to him) traveling around with the Doctor and he never gets ONE APOLOGY from her makes me really hate Rose.

Went from not even having a last name/glorified extra to security chief!

Mitch from Paranorman starts out as the most broadly stereotypical meat-head jock 'bro' (although a good-hearted one.) then very casually in the last few minutes drops some knowledge that completely redefines his character - or rather DOESN'T change it at all - and that's what great about it.

Much better. Reminds me of the edited Rolling Stone cover for True Blood, from a few years back.

Not to mention that showing brutal violence but shunning sexy sex in all forms of media has always been the American way.

Kurt Russell is not Colonel O'Neill

or b) any hacker's ever gotten a blowjob.