Tragically Hipster

So I count like a European but I'm from the US. Ermmm what does that mean... My father is from South America, do they count like Europeans? Other wise I'm weird.

Well there were a few Sailors (in the later series) that were men until they transformed.

What there's a US one /end sarcasim

Lol! Me too! The trailer I saw him in didn't have a lot of him speaking so the few times I thought he was pulling a fake American accent. I'm happy that isn't true. XD

I <3 Ayoade. It's the only reason to see this movie.

Well I guess that's like comparing the population of NYC or Vermont, to the rest of the world. Still not that much compared to everything else, and with the amount of people in the world that number doesn't really surprise me.

I remember watching an anime a really long time ago, (I don't even remember what it was called) were humans were WMDs/Soliders. Maybe they were all, like "Hey we done destroying ourselves. We need to destroy these weapons."

So that's where they got the idea for the proto-xenomorph!

"Did you just call me a whore?!"

Nah she was talking about Jason, which is why he had both.

Ever since I was 10 I've had this horrible fear of the dark, really due to scaring myself that badly. Wasn't 'till I was 16 that I didn't need a nightlight or something, cause I got a stereo from the rents. You know the one's with all the lights.


He wasn't really a pet, more of Lion-Os mentor/teacher/babysitter. I think in the new series he's more of a pet.

I <3 Maine Coons so much. They just want to sit in your lap even if they're too big. The Great Danes of the Domestic Cats.

"Pay attention to meeeeeeeee!!!"

Truthfully I think I would rather be lobotomized then go through that.

They're probably thinking this movie will print more money for them.

between my junior year in high school and 20 years old.

Also there's a few kinetic hacks, that can do the gestures.

In Soviet Russia playground play you!