Tragically Hipster

When you mean Router are you talking about the "thing" that connects you home network together (wifi, wired)? From the rant of my networking professor we all learned that, that is called a switch and not a router. Yay for cisco/linksys making everyone think it's a router.

yeah if things are kept up to date or what not. Looking at the BS with Vermont Yankee is showing what happens if you don't try to keep things updated.

must. find. old. gameboy.

"Mom, Bobby's touching me again.." Anyway a nice way to bring a good ending to a crappy day.

Coloring theme reminds me of Mirror's Edge, which I like!

@bentl78: there is this thing called visual kie. which it doesn't surprise me at all.

Now playing

ok.. whatever floats your boat. Some how this doesn't bother me as much as tons of posters of semi naked real women. But that maybe 'cause I'm female... anyway...

you know I understand the japanese history quiz one but not the hostess one....

because kids should be playing a M rated game.

@Wizard: lol well if you look at DnD anything can become a half this half that.

@brass2themax: I had a friend who said that... A few months ago he tried it and wont shut up about it.

@jojo13jojo233: lol. and that void of despair maybe interesting XD

I wonder what pluto would look like, if we ever get there.

why oh why can't the bars here in the middle of no where be that cool :P maybe then I could get my friends to go out for once #gundam

awesome I'm even more interested. I like the universe that halo is in, I just don't really like the games that much.

@xabib: It might easier to describe "american hispanics" as Latinos instead. For one large reason there are black latinos, indian latinos, hispanic latinos, "white" latinos.

Now if only he was caring around Alucard's air-soft guns

did said witness really say they saw one of them with an ak? Because I think said person need to be punched or something. Last time I checked you don't need to play games to know what it looks like.

I've spent about 130 hours in Fallout and 180 in oblivion. I don't understand why you would spend that much with sports.

@Dangeresque: to me it actually seems like they are finally finishing classic. Just the amount of it not being textured and the areas that you can't get into is rather annoying.