Tragically Hipster

lol... Wtf.... mate

yay this looks more like a cont. of the first one which is good. I still don't get how RF2 has anything to do with rf1 but then again I haven't played 2 in forever.

Why does sack boy have to be in American apparel. gods i hate that store...

Now I want this game... never really been into "zombieistc" games but this is defenetly an exception.

wow I think I want to make one now O.o

Great article... Had to fight my ADD just to finish it. I love "Different" articles like this one.

my inner fan girl just wne SQUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEE...

I hate peta... they do more harm than good and 90% of their stuff is propaganda. If you want to support something with animals then humane society is a good start....

GRATZ! I think that's the first labor story that I've heard it go so well. Both of your kids are adorable!

do we know what time it'll be available to DL... I have the day off so once its up its down...

T-T I want my tauren death knight, but I have to wait a few weeks... damn bills.

@Moonshadow101: They weren't the only ones and they weren't the first one. Vermont was its own country for 20 or so years before it became a state :P.

still can't wait! but I still have to beat P3 ><

gods I think you people are gong to make me cry... T-T I want a ps3 just for this game ><.

WoW now thats rad!

@Klaymen: thankfully they are not not only all female clan out there. I much prefer PMS. They seem to be so much nice and less elitist.

Dude I just like to game....