
I hear people talk all the time about how Japan isn't as weird as everyone makes it out to be. And then shit like this comes up.

I... don't understand your sarcasm here. Are you implying that Fox News cares about a gym class game, and that, inversely, we shouldn't care about a gym class game?

Calling American beer "pisswater" is pretty much the go-to insult, but if there's one brand of beer that deserves the title, it's fucking PBR. It quite literally tastes like water someone has urinated into.

I haven't seen worse driving than that since Danica Patrick's NASCAR debut.

Why two of them when there's only one Kanye West? Or is one for his body and one for his head?

There are two very simple reasons why GTA games don't have female characters. One, demographics, and two, narrative.

The facts state that the PSN hacks resulted in the same consequences, and with much more occurrences. Besides, it was still only FIFA 13, hardly a fraction of Live gamers. The PSN fiasco affected the whole of the players, and resulted in more money lost and more personal information compromised than the FIFA

One occasion hardly compares to the plethora that Sony has suffered. Inductive reasoning will get you nowhere. You don't seem to understand the reason MS charges for their service. It's because, with that money, they'll be able to improve Live and add new features on a regular basis. So you can have your

That number also doesn't include the times individual games, such as Call of Duty, have been hacked.

No, although there has only been one MAJOR breach in security, official estimates say Sony has been hacked somewhere around ten times, and that was back in 2011. And even though some features on XBL require both a subscription and a Live membership, it's still a hell of a lot more features than PSN has, and even

Absolutely. But the 60 dollars does so much more. It allows party chat, video chat, Crackle, Skype, a web browser, cloud storage, Amazon video, ESPN, Hulu,, Netflix, and Youtube. Not to mention the speedy downloads and fantastic integrity that Microsoft can maintain because of the profits they get from Live

Thank you. Someone with the sense to understand that paying for Live is worth it.

This is a low quality version, but you can see the outreached arm towards the camera and a face-like formation in the upper right.

When my dad was a young boy, his family would often have breakfast together as a family at his grandmother's house. At the time, his aunt was in college, and to save money, often did laundry at the home. One morning, everyone was in the living room together having breakfast. His aunt came in the front door with a

Two grammatical errors in three sentences. Once again: stay classy, Gawker.

You call me Crazy Dallas? Well, now you can call me the Batman.

The artistic integrity is absolutely ruined by the cheap, wall-mounted kiddie hoop.