
This whole bit seemed extra wasteful when Michael Strahan interviewed the actual accountants before the show, who were a snarky, pretty Latina and a dude who looked unsettlingly like Matt Damon. The writers couldn’t manage something with that?

Doesn’t this tie directly in to the “bigger problems”? The idea that the disappointment and discussion is about the Oscars specifically has been thoroughly dismissed. At least from what i am gathering. I do feel that there are some who this is their hill, and most of those people are either bored, or want a nw cause

I love thinly disguised condescension and the veiled remarks to race, such as:

I see some commenters blaming the mom and saying she should have pulled her daughter out and I feel a little unsettled by these sentiments. Maybe she was being a stage mom and exploiting the situation for fame but it’s not like there’s a wealth of opportunity for Asian actors. I’m assuming her daughter wants to be an

Chris “There’s a difference between black people and niggers” Rock is such an embarrassment sometimes. Rock makes jokes for white folks. He “keeps it real” for whitefolks. Even his “hit-em-where-it-hurts” is just a love tap for his ol’ pals. They wait for the gentle ribbing, knowing that it comes from a dear friend.

It’s not that we’re looking for stuff to be offended by, it’s that everyday people we have to deal with look at us through these stereotypes instead of as human fucking beings which is at least very annoying or at worst deadly ( e.g. stereotypes about blacks influence how they are treated by police)

Yes, and having a black kid dance around a watermelon with a bucket of cluck in his hand is merely a joke to highlight the problems with agriculture in the South.

The establishment and the moneyed Wall Street types desperately want a Rubio candidacy. Even the Kochs are trying to stop Trump.

Seeing that part about him coming from a broken poor family really pissed me off. As if that is some sort of explanation or justification for raping someone? Surprisingly, I also come from a broken home and poorly family, and I have never raped anyone. Astonishing, I know.

Gay men can be rapists too.

Seriously. I have fond memories of my youth and alma mater, too, which means I would be incredibly protective of any victims of violence that occurred there while the school fails him/her. I wouldn’t excuse the behavior of a rapist because he knows the fight song.

The lengths to which so many people, and so often strangers, will go to explain or defend a rapist is baffling, disappointing and infuriating.

Funny, this educating clip gets out of it’s way to stay gender neutral by using stick figures and referring to the participants as ‘people’, yet you made this exclusively about ‘boys’. So, if you grab a guy’s junk, he better be ready to getting it on, no questions asked?

Well, his life better be in shambles. He’s a rapist. He gets zero sympathy from me.

Poor, poor rapist/athlete. :-(

“If we’re being honest callously inhuman...”

Nah, we’re not being honest. We’re being “compassionate”.

In a funny way, it makes one wonder if the “establishment” isn’t so bad after all. Meaning, with all the real or perceived injustice you get when corporations control our politicians, at the end of the day, it’s in their best interests to keep society from falling into the abyss.

I love that the GOP is freaking out over their own primary, because as a democrat I’m over here laughing with glee. I want Trump to be their nom! I want it more than anything I’ve wanted in a long time! This is the biggest and best shitshow I’ve watched in forever and I hope this never ends!

yea, so uhhh, you should shut the fuck up. like now. like right now.