
Or just being down with the idea of gambling my entire financial future on another person who could leave/die/get fired at any time and leave me with out of date skills and no references.

you’re on the front lines!!!

Women only spend their money on shoes and handbags anyway!

Most of the frightened old Catholics who’re scared of the new pope are the bishops and cardinals who are afraid from watching their promotions slip away.

“Respect for stay-at-home mothers has been poisoned by a toxic combination of the village elders’ war on the traditional family and radical feminism’s misogynistic crusade to make working outside the home the only marker of social value and self-respect.’’

Republicans no longer run campaigns. They run PAC-funded book tours.

I’m thinking book deals, speaking fees, etc. He wants his name out there so he can milk money out of frightened old Catholics who’re scared of the new pope.

book deal?

What is Rick Santorum’s endgame? He obviously is not going to get the nomination, and he exhausted all his political capital in 2012. Is he trying to get a cable news gig? A secretary position? Does he just have that much misplaced pride? help me out here.

“Why would a limitation on Muslim immigration to the United States be a bad thing?”

Don and Tom both became friends around the time they met their immigrant model wives. I’m not saying they were honeypotted by a foreign security organization into being friends, but... were they?

No one is worried that he’ll win the general. It’s about poisoning the well for whoever gets the GOP nomination. The powers that be are no less freaked by a Cruz nomination because he’s just as crazy and comes off even creepier than Trump. Rubio and Bush are their only shots at winning.

Until we find a final solution, you mean.

I also love the Patriots, but I think you’re being generous when you compare him to a poodle. Poodles are widely known to be the smartest breed of dog. A better comparison would be an Afghan Hound. They’re pretty, but very dumb.

Normally, I’d mention that I care less about Tom Brady’s politics than I do about Rush Limbaugh’s football analysis, but I think that Trump’s fascism has gotten to the point where people who supported him need to walk that back to avoid being associated with him.

This isn’t an accusation that Brady personally harbors racist values.

Earlier Republicans appealed to the racism of your grandmother who said racist things not realizing what she said was racist. Trump appeals to your drunk uncle who at Christmas will begin with the statement, “Now I’m not prejudiced, but...” before saying something offensive to any person with the slightest amount of

I’m sure Brady’s teammates would love to know his position on supporting an open racist, just so they know how much effort they should put into blocking angry men of different ethnicities and creeds that mean to do Brady grievous bodily harm.

This. Didn’t he admit he had never voted when he attended the State of the Union speech a few years ago? His statement about Trump was stupid, but this guy’s not exactly watching the news on a nightly basis.

Tom Brady is about as erudite as a poodle when it comes to non-football smarts. (And I love the Patriots.)