Exception to what? I don't think marriage equality is terribly contoversial in Iowa. At least according to the polls.
Exception to what? I don't think marriage equality is terribly contoversial in Iowa. At least according to the polls.
"By not being proactive about listening to the moderate opponents of gay marriage and addressing their concerns, the whole marriage equality movement has become politically polarizing."
"I just don't understand why the Nets would do this other than a distraction."
You must know that the Nets are only four games out of their division, right? They're fighting for a playoff spot, which is much better than any PR ploy.
"Why even bother trying to get better when you know fans are going to pack the house anyway?"
There's always the Cosmos. ;)
If Eric Reid's "lying there with a concussion", all the more reason for Rice to act like a grown-up.
Ted Cruz is *absolutely* a member of "some fringe or extremist Tea Party of the GOP". He was picked by the Tea Party because Rick Perry's preferred candidate, the state's lieutenant governor, wasn't conservative enough for them.
It's a non-solution to a problem that isn't a problem. It's intended to make everyone *feel* better without actually doing anything. That's never good.
The bedrock literally defines our city; we couldn't build skyscrapers without that foundation.
I'm glad MLB is moving slowly and deliberately. The rule change you mention is an example of the mistakes they make in haste.
The Packers can (and have) made vague threats to relocate, as they did in 2003 before the state passed a bill to pay a percentage of the stadium's overhaul. They could do so again, but the threat would be so toothless as to be absurd. As would any threat from the Steelers now.
Suck it up, Steelers.
Because the Mets gave a reportedly large amount of money to his charity. He, in turn, agreed to wear a Mets cap in a film. Just happened to be the film that might define his career.
If one of those male heterosexual friends mentioned having a girlfriend, or wore a wedding ring, or had a picture of his wife on his desk, then it would be analogous to the Jason Collins situation.
How exactly is that any different from any other sport?