
It’s simple, really. Are you going to be killed or kill? I have no problem taking your life when you intend to take mine. Whats so complicated? It isn’t left or right, it is literally kill or be killed in this situation.

FWIW I haven’t been anywhere but work and home in the last 24 hours, but here and reddit last night are all I’ve heard of it.

Age of the rifle ≠ potency of the round.

V6 Outback huh? Thats a rare bird, you should have kept it.

You’d make the perfect neighbor. Seriously, the ideas we could concoct! Seriously, this has to be the first time a willy’s hurricane has been mentioned on Jalopnik.

Sounds like a nasty boat. Any idea if the boat would have been any faster with a couple of blown big blocks? I’d be interested in your opinions on gas vs. diesel in a rig such as the one you described. We are boatopnik.

I use your exact boat when describing why my 1st gen Yamaha Waveblaster (WB1) that only weighs 280lbs wet and loaded yet has around 90ish hp only does 47-49 mph. About the same as a stock 65hp wb1. It’s all in the hull. And I ride the lsx miata of the water!

Jalopnik just now discovered Se7en outboards?

2004/2005 Forester XT better be on the god damn list! Probably the cheapest all season supercar.

You're forgetting about the Ratsun. But I completely agree with you.

I love TGUSA and I've always been proud to say it. The first season was a bit rocky though.

Nailed it. There is nothing Brabus about this car. And to think I was damn excited when I opened the thread. Somehow this thing is getting a 57% nice price... Why?


I just found you on FB and sent you a friend request. We're way OT at this point here.

The access road probably would have just sunk eventually anyways. But, City View, if properly executed, would have done wonders for Garfield. I lived on the far west edge of Garfield and I loved it, but other parts of Garfield are scary.

Did you live in Garfield as well? I think I moved to Cleveland right before walmart pulled out. That area would have been a congested mess if walmart was still there.

City view was amazing in the winter, plus that giant eagle was super convenient. I lived 5 min from there.

We probably have mutual friends.

Lived in Cleveland for 3 winters. Loved it. I had an E30 325ix the first winter, a c5 A6 quattro the second winter, and a 2004 forester XT the final winter. I loved Cleveland winters.

I always thought it was classified as a Lamborghini.