
Gonna take some time to get a feel for how it ranks threads, if that's even possible. And they may have some things turned off for the start. They do need to get a reply counter on the threads. I'm tired of having to click on a comment just to see if there are any replies.

You give him the chance to negotiate a long term contract, he's getting more than $7 million in guaranteed money, easy. Brandon Marshall got $5 million three years ago.

Ronaldo = Deadspin Commenters

What horrible things did Arizona ever do to deserve her?

Can we start referring to her as an Arizonan please? She bought a McMansion there and moved, I don't consider her an Alaskan anymore.

I'm not going to defend Obama's professorial tone, but "wrestling bears" is not a standard for leadership.

It's a tale as old as time.

Bobcats Defense: We already did.

You try using proper grammar when it's -20 and your foam-cheese-hat bong won't light.


They moved the goal posts to the back of the endzone after the 1973 season. Very astute observation sir.

In Wisconsin they refer to this as the margarine of error.

We is the 99%.

It's a smoothie AND a floor wax?

I want to give this comment all the stars because I read it the same way. LOL

Bullshit. And I've called bullshit on the Gervais worshipping before.

Now playing

Just to get the horror that is Wayne Brady hosting the Oscars out of my mind.

Or Johnny Weir.
