Thank You, Agador Spartacus!

You know I heard the CEO of Pilsbury said that they'd be changing the recipe from baking powder to baking soda! That just changes them into hard tack! It's like they've forgotten that their demographic for biscuits are people who eat them with soup or breakfast! Instead they're trying to chase after the non-exsistant

Though to be fair, Gifford's is really good ice cream. I haven't really found one ice cream shop around that wasn't great. All the good gelato in Portland... I even came across a cute little ice cream shop planted in between Cape Elizabeth and SoPo that was amazing. My roommate and I shared some of our treats with a

Gifford's! You must live much farther north than I do. Granted, I don't live that far into the state. But perhaps I should invest in one. I liked the idea of a single bowl ice cream maker. I'm obsessed with single serving desserts, so perhaps it would be a good accompaniment to my mug brownies. Hibiscus sounds divine.

Ah, yeah, that would make sense. Not too many people I know have ice cream makers. Most of us just go to one of the shops around the area for good ice cream.

The thing is though, I live in Maine. I am surrounded by homemade ice cream. There's at least 3 "large"ish ice cream companies in my town alone (and I used to work at one, though I only made ice cream once, I mostly made the cookie dough for the ice cream), as well as fresh ice cream from the farms that border the

Perhaps I will look into one then, because I love to bake.

Sold. I love making single serving desserts. Mostly because I get hit by a craving and just need something right now omg.

If you don't have an ice cream maker, will shaking a plastic bag filled with ice, salt, and another plastic bag filled with the ingredients work?

Also, who the hell has an ice cream maker?

Besides the fact that I am horrified by the concept of pregnancy and childbirth, (though I do want kids, I love kids and would be an awesome mom) the fear of having my future husband lose desire for me because my body would have changed so much is as big a part of my apprehension to pregnancy. I love kids, but I'm

Dr. Freeman is, in my opinion, about 5 times better than House. But then again I knew Half Life way before House, so, perhaps I'm biased.

You know they'd stock a crowbar in the Cornucopia for him.

I have decided that you and I are the same person. I will never get a tattoo for the same reason you won't. That's why henna tattoos are my favorite - love the style, but it fades after a couple weeks. If it's horrible, you don't have to live with it for long. If you love it, meh, just trace right over it again!

I have the same worries too - I'm 22 and have been with Mr. Banana for almost two years now. I don't see it ending, like ever. But I too wonder if I'm missing out on something. So I just have imaginary relationships with fictional people instead. That way, I get all the fun and excitement of dating someone else

Awwww yeaaaahhhh! Adjunct Professor Stephbanana... I like it. That would probably be a class I'd like to take, actually. Sadly, I only have my associate's degree.

Why thank you! I'm very good at bullshitting literary analysis.

Hello class, and welcome to Introduction to Feminist Poetry. I am your teacher, Professor Stephbanana. I would like to open this class with a breakdown of the poem "Your Super-Feminine Pantyhose", by John. Let's begin.

By standing there they were totally asking for it.

Dude, the cost of college is insane. When did you get your BA?

I must have that too because JESUS I HATE PEOPLE WHO MAKE NOISES WHEN THEY EAT. I have to leave the room when I can hear people eating, it drives me crazy.

If you really want to be blown away, see what Drag Queens do to transform themselves. What they do is art. I have no idea how they do it. My idea of makeup is like YAY I APPLIED SOME SORT OF CREAM TO MY FACE. DOES IT LOOK GOOD NOW?