
Sony has invested a lot in the cloud. They acquired Gaikai,a streaming video gaming company. I doubt that they're only going to use their technologies for direct streaming. Those cloud-AI features are cool but not unique. Real Racing 3 for Android and iOS did this too, so I doubt that a PlayStation can't do that.

2. I actually meant everything but looks, they both look very dull and business, but size-wise and practical design wise.

Well, if you like cloud you should be on PlayStation's side anyway. Last time I checked FF7 was a PS console-exclusive. :p But joking aside, would you mind making your explanation a bit longer, I would love to hear what you have to say about it. :3

PlayStation has the better price, better hardware design, the better long term vision, better studios and the stronger console. Think of all the studios that are going to make exclusives for PlayStation.

I meant that I already loved the III port and that I'll probably love this one. How's that out of context?

GREAAAT!!! Loved and still love the FF III port. The price is cool, I wouldn't expect any lower for a 60+ hour RPG from this quality.

Nice. The graphics look better than usual.

Always appreciated, thanks.

Yeah, you're probably right. Don't know what else to say, the Xenoblade point pretty much wins me over.

Yeah, I was annoyed by this for quite a while. His reasoning is a bit flawed, so I can't help but feel that he's sometimes just mimicking the masses.

Did you have to bring Final Fantasy XIII up again? It wasn't even necessary for the point you were trying to make. -_-

Black Ops: Declassified
Frobisher Says
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Unit 15
Resistance: Burning Skies
PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royale
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
FIFA Football
Draw Slasher
Escape Plan
Army Corps of Hell
Smart as...
Touch my Katamari
Uncharted: Fight for Fortune

Yeah. But I needed 8. I could call up 15 others, bad games, small games and released on two systems at the same time included.

Soul Sacrifice, Assassins Creed III: Liberation, Ragnarok Odyssey, WipEout 2048, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Gravity Rush, Lumines: Electronic Symphony, LittleBigPlanet Vita.

This is the most dared public stance in history.

Hello, Dovahkiin.

What am I supposed to do with a video game without a console?

Yeah. Ballmer is the most creative mind in the industry.