
I meant per capita. Really, the difference is huge.

But why are those people in the United States, a country that is just as rich as the Netherlands, and not in the Netherlands? That makes no sense.

In the Netherlands there are a lot less gun murders and guns are illegal here (in the Netherlands.) 'Nuff said.

You can quite easily lose weight very fast by eating as you do normally, but only 3 times a day. I lost 15 KG in 3 weeks that way, and did not get it back yet. (It's half a year ago.)

Please read the whole thing before responding.

You Americans! And I thought that politics in the Netherlands were horrible...

Hey, Schreier wrote another Final Fantasy article. It's probably ANOTHER anti-FF XIII article in disguise, like nearly every Random Encounter ever written.

There's a typo in the article. Antichambper on Thursday should be Antichamber.

Why does your colleague Jason Schreirer hate the XIII Series so much?

Random Encounters is a weekly rant dedicated to the latest Final Fantasy games. It runs every Friday at 3pm ET.

I wanted to react in a similar way, then I saw you did it already. Games like The Walking Dead and games like Team Fortress 2 can co-exist. Both are great examples of video games, one is a story-driven video game and the other one is not. That's proof enough for me. Even if you don't like cinematic video games, but


Haha. Look at the discussion about something that should be done already way too long. Gun control is obviously the best protection against gun violence. In the Netherlands here, we sell double the video games and gunviolence is low. NRA are hypocrite douchebags paid by the weaponindustry. Republicans do love the

They're probably going to organize it in the same way as with FIFA. That means that players will get paid, I guess.

I like this, especially the use of colours. And it looks very Final Fantasy t00!

Activision, please stay away from this franchise. You'll probably ruin it. TWD is not about shooting things and a FPS is a very bad idea. I know that it is a very successful franchise and that people are going to buy this game because of the popularity of the series and the confusion about this and Telltale's Walking

I'm all for Deus Ex-like augmentations in 2013.

Zeitgeist is spelled wrong. Twice.

Number 4 all the way!

It looks like Android now. Gradients should be banned from everything because they´re incredibly ugly. Google is doing it right, designwise.