It´s Googlen in Dutch.
It´s Googlen in Dutch.
My lockscreen on my Sony Xperia U is a Pattern Unlock. Every phone should have that. If I want to, I could have slide to unlock too. Or transform to unlock. Or zip to unlock. Or swipe up to *insert app* , Swipe down for *insert app* , or pull a ring to the app you want to open or even play a tune on a piano to unlock.…
It wasn't a critical failure. The game currently holds a 79 on Metacritic.
I thought this was a joke, when i clicked it.
I think it's a great idea. They should implement that one.
Are there people that still believe in that story? In the Netherlands, everybody knows that that isn't the truth.
What's wrong with Ubisoft? They made and are still making great games.
Android and iOS are better than Bada OS. So... Said it. Hope I don't get killed by fanboys.
Step 1. Google presents new Android feature. (Notifications (Notification center), Widgets etc.)
Is the touchscreen responsive enough? I heard it was resistive and that brings back some bad memories from some horrible cellphones I had.
One word. MIUI.
Why is everyone paying attention to these toddlers and even choosing sides? There should be done something about the situation there. Why did we (Western countries) even put jews in the middle of Arab countries at the end of WWII? They should be living in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, but not in Israel. Think…
What is the link between the different Gawker-media sites? They are all made for different audiences. How does Gawker choose the things they buy?
Here's an internet. Do with it what you want.
It's satire. And it's pretty smart in making satire. (The freaking radio. Put it on!) It has great gameplay. The attention to detail in every 3D GTA game is great. The stories are great and funny, and even personal in GTA IV.
Is this CoD really that good? I mean, is it good for CoD fans or is it a good game for everyone that likes shooters?
I guess that that is one of the reasons they chose for three characters.
Hey, a link to a dutch website. I can read that!
Europe is more PlayStation territory. We definitely like science-fiction, we just don't like XBox's.
Yes, it's better. It's more open and Fallout in every way.