
True, but think of the flip side of the coin. The billionaire is paying much, MUCH more in income tax anyway, about $40 for every $100 earned. I’d be PISSED if the feds were taking that much from me! Whereas your cheesecake factory example of a poor person is paying peanuts in taxes when compared to the grand scope of

I read Zelda’s arc in Breath of the Wild as more redemptive. She has loads of characterization, but ultimately fails the first time around. In her failure, she manages to hit the proverbial pause/reset button, allowing Link to try again 100 years later. The second time around, Link, the Champions, and Zelda herself

Apologies in advance, Patricia, as this is going to come off more harshly than I intend. As best as I can tell, the only people who care about this are the same people who complain about Peach in Mario games, which is to say opinion writers. The other 99% enjoy the games for what they are and all the traditions large

It should have been you, Zack Hample.

They’ve been building up the battle with the Night King for 7 seasons. He is the main antagonist, and always has been. With now 12 episodes left in the entire series, it would be foolish to NOT dedicate more time to him. The problem with you thinking of his army as “zombies” is you see it like The Walking Dead.

How dare you mention that boobs adhere to physics in real life, we’re trying to do anything and everything we can to be offended by videogames including said physics because it also happens to be sexy. And that is bad. It objectifies all women and turns teenage boys into rape machines. Don’t you see what’s happening?!

I don’t know, man. I would argue that award goes to Base Wars.

This is FFVI. AKA the best Final Fantasy.

Oh jeez, here come the cool witty atheists with their flying spaghetti monster jokes...

Say what you will about Nintendo... they deserve most of it, but at the end of the day, there aren’t too many companies out there that can generate this kind of fervor with their IP’s.

Watch a bunch of Nintendo fans completely lose it over the announcement of Metroid Prime 4. Their enthusiasm is infectious.

A successful Sony is also an arrogant Sony. And an arrogant Sony leads to colossal future fuck ups.

Holy shit shut up.

“to the SNES one”.

even if downgraded they should make one, it would be massive worldwide

It’s Unreal Engine 4, so it’s possible. I wouldn’t expect it, though.

There is just something about the SNES era that ages so well. Sprite animation can just be timeless, once we jumped to 3D aging got a lot harder. I can go back time and time again to the classic Square games of the era Chrono Trigger, FF IV, Mana, ect while it happens a lot for games like Final Fantasy VII or Parasite

The problem with French beef is that it usually requires too much whine to prepare correctly.

he did hit him, but i mean, that is the universal sign for fastball inside corner as well...

This just proves people can be offended by just about anything.