My mom was is a good mom and hit me on more than one occasion. They were not her best moments. I understand that now.
Can someone help me understand the fascination with speed runs that are only possible via glitching? To me this is like using the Konami Code and saying that beating Contra is super easy.
The sheer time factor to me means very little when you had to exploit something broken to do it.
*within three feet of an outlet OR with a backpack full of AA batteries ready to replace at a moment's notice
Yesterday, I saw nine people play a single Wii U game. How'd they do that? One person (in this case Game Trailer's…
In my mind, Motoko "The Major" Kusanagi is without a Doubt the coolest woman in Manga & Anime History. She's a genuinely awesome character who doesn't so much eschew traditional gender rolls as she does ignore them. She just happens to be a female, and a BAMF to boot. She does whatever she wants regardless, gender…
now imagine a person standing here holding a sifter waiting for a diamond to pop out. This is what trying to find a good mobile game is like.
That's a pretty long, convoluted, and often entirely subjective blog post just to say "Muslims are cool. Christians are not." From what I read here, if you were sincere about all this - it sounds like your problem wasn't so much with Christ, but with people. Just an observation from a guy who has his own doubts from…
I could list some things she could do to be better at her own supposed job.
Anita Sarkeesian is a hack and a contrived hypocrite. She constantly dresses up and wears makeup, even for the videos she'd explicitly recorded in part of her women tropes videogame series. She'll be sitting there slamming Namco for making Ms. Pacman wear lipstick and a pink bow while she's wearing sparkly earrings…
Especially on Hero Mode in the new game plus.
Video Game toasters huh
The only part I don't like is that they're playing it up like it's PAX's fault. It's not up to PAX to provide extra security in this situation. They have their security in place already. If Giant Spacekat doesn't think that's enough, then that's their decision to make, but don't pretend PAX has some obligation to…
Kickstarter itself isn't a scam. I've backed many successful projects. But it can be used for nefarous purposes, and there is risk associated with backing a project. But to call Kickstarter a scam is just wrong.
I think you nailed it from the perspective of the artist, who should always be allowed to create what he or she desires to create, independent of the factor of inclusivity.
Wow, your hypocrisy is borderline idiotic.
"the problem is that developers period are unwilling to work outside of their insanely small comfort zone."
I don't like changing the name of characters that are already a predefined "character". Link, Ryu from Breath of Fire, Tidus, I can't change the name of because it's weird. They have a life and stuff that's not mine, so why should I change their name to mine?