
I'm not going to lie I love my Wii U. While it may not be the most powerful on the block and it does have some online hiccups which I wish Nintendo would improve on. It has currently provided me with far more fun then my PS4 and PC. Much of what I have on the PC has been out awhile or is a different flavor then

"Prime did it, he turned the tide."

I find it odd that sometimes we're asking for cultural representation in completely non-earth worlds and expecting them to be like us, rather than like, who they are in that world that's completely not historical earth.

I'd say I trust him more than that. I'm not sure about Jason though.

Totilo wouldn't do this, he might do this if it was a comic though.

I hate it when Kotaku, Deadspin, I09, and Gizmodo do this shit. I don't want to read Jezebel articles. Damn you Totillo!

Most assuredly. Transistor had amazing artwork. Story left me wanting, but that art.

I got a 3DS over Christmas after sitting out the DS, and I nearly get panic attacks just looking at my now-suddenly-even-larger backlog. The games that have come out for the 3DS in the past year or so (and some before that!) have all been stellar. It's probably my favorite system at the moment.


this looks like laura prepon, aka hot donna from that 70's show.


If this is what you need to do to get a sense of achievement, you seriously need to rethink your life.

QUOTE | "I think we are right at that tipping point where we have a lot of great content that is about to be released for [the Wii U] that's going to tempt gamers into buying the system." - Scott Moffitt, EVP of sales and marketing for Nintendo of America, talking about how the Wii U is about to have a 3DS-like

Minecraft on Wii U might be the only way I'd try it. So far it hasn't captured my interest.

Maaaan that kid just looks like he's having the time of his life. Awesome. The other kid looks like he could be Reggies.

I think she was trying to tell Ellen that she could take her onto the field, which is nice I suppose, but damn lady, give her some room to freak out!

The problem with the tempest in a teacup of "female protagonists RAWR" is that it is founded on a faulty premise. The premise is that there is some inherent value in having (insert category of person here) as a character. That premise is 100% false. It is wrong to actively exclude black people, or women, or whatever, He just listed how two of the most recent games that he played had female leads. And he has nothing but the highest praise for Metroid, a series with a very strong female lead. That doesn't sound like he's being represented well in his recent gaming experience, yeah?

So many rational posts on this thread today - love not hearing all the "whining" and "complaining" that has gone on regarding other gender-threads. Thanks for your eloquent and rational addition to the conversation! +10,000 points!

I would much rather they make Zelda a protagonist for a game for once rather than genderflipping Link because as big a deal as it might seem on the 'progressive' front, I think it'd ultimately be boring. Oh, so Link's a girl this time. Slightly different character model, pronouns swapped around and...that's probably

Pete Holmes isn't good enough to article every single video he puts out.