Thad Castle

Except there are none, so your rant is pointless.

Couldn't find anybody to yell at so decided to yell at nobody, I see.

I'm also blown away by people making a point of going slower, even way slower, than a cruiser on the road when it's at the posted speed limit. I've passed cruisers while sticking to the speed limit umpteen times.

More Audis these days, no?

It happens when they are stopped on the other side of the freeway too. Its kinda ridiculous what people do when they see flashing lights. There's a big road I used to frequent, 3-4 lanes each direction with a landscaped median. People would stop for an ambulance on the other side of the median, it drove me nuts. The

Not possible on California roads. Any follow space is instantly filled by a BMW.

Sometimes I'm blown away at how people will freak out and slow down while a cop is on the side of the road, lights on, in the middle of writing a ticket. Trust me, he is not going to notice or care that you were 10mph over and rush from his current perp to pull you over. Unless you are doing ludicrous speed, hes

First, it's not necessarily homosexual. It might be bisexual, or mixed. Second, it's currently accepted by majority of population that same-sex marriage is indeed a marriage.

You mean the opinion that no one believed he actually personally held because we aren't stupid?

No, actually. Not everyone is bigoted. Sorry to disappoint you, but you can't just excuse your own prejudices by saying "EVERYONE IS PREJUDICED".

Sorry if we don't want bigots running the companies that make our tools. The world is better for it.

No, the belief they held was what made it bigoted, not its popularity.

No, advancing the legal superiority of one group over another makes you a bigot. Yes, the majority can be bigots. See "Slavery" or "Jim Crow". So can minority Presidents.

I think she did the math on this and was like, "My sitcom got canceled and I'm the throw-away slump-breaker or C story love interest in movies. This puts me on the marquee, and I'll work out whatever comes after once people know my name."

So which bothered you more- the fact that consumers expressed a view and acted on it; or simply that it worked?

So.... I'm not really clear here.... have you read the book?

Mozilla handled that situation well, in the end; they apologized and the guy in question left. But it was a little scary for a second, I agree.

So you're saying we should hate him for inventing the pox that is JavaScript, not his archaic views towards human equality?

How is something who donates money to an anti-gay marriage campaign NOT a bigot?

Is Firefox still run by a bigot?