Since he is a Winston Whiner, he is not too bright to begin with.
Since he is a Winston Whiner, he is not too bright to begin with.
Remember the "in the grasp" rule? That lasted about 5 minutes. I wonder with the concussion concerns if it might make a comeback.
It's implied by people rioting when the coach in the middle of it all got fired (even though he tried to tell his employers that he would quit when he was ready), and partying when the well-deserved punishment against the PROGRAM was watered down. That mentality. Looking the other way implies you have seen something,…
I seriously wonder where he lies on the autism spectrum. Let's ask the expert, Jenny McCarthy.
The fans had everything to do with what happened. By treating Paterno as a living saint (when he was still living, that is) and putting the football program on a pedestal so that anything that might look bad would have to be buried. That mentality is exactly what led to the years of abuse while everyone looked the…
Good thing it isn't winter, he would have been pummeled with battery-filled snowballs.
But that will go over just fine with the Wall St Journal crowd.
That has to be in the running for best pro athlete meltdown pic ever. And he should get that mole checked out.
Video tape:Goodell::Audiotape:Nixon
And grants the same courtesy to others. How polite.
Your headline promised sports, why are all the gifs showing baseball?
I see Putin and his ilk are borrowing tactics from Republicans, accuse the other side of doing what you do. No wonder they like him so much. And Putin's an old white male, of course. Or is it because Putin is a blonde with big boobs?
Goodell is on his way to the closed casino to get all the cameras and throw them in a shredder. That should solve his problems.
How the once mighty have fallen.
"It's not a crime if you can successfully cover it up"
And got pounded to the turf for his efforts.
Too far. Everybody else was just having fun, but then you had to take it too far.