
The 360 controller by FAR for this generation. Last generation, the Gamecube controller fit perfectly in my hands. Dreamcast too.

Me too!

Got my Sega MS (original version) that came with the Phaser, two controllers, and the Combo cartridge of Hang-On/Safari Hunt.

I don't mind it being delayed if they intend on focusing on a stellar single player game. If it's delayed to add multiplayer...ugh.

One word: AWESOME.

How about this sideboob? That turn you on? Well, it shouldn't, because that's my side boob.

Ok, thanks!

Apart from actual tablets you buy that have Windows 8 installed, wasn't Microsoft going to release Windows 8 that you could run on a desktop or laptop with the choice of it acting like the tablet software?

I wish someone would take a crack at a new Wing Commander game, like parts 1&2, none of that FMV stuff that started afterwords. Hell, I'd take an HD remake if that's all they felt like doing.



Name of the actress??

I'll just settle for the girl and beanbag.

Awesome news! How about including the original also?

Love the Emperor one!

I took advantage of the Toys'r'us "Buy 1, Get 1 for $5". Picked up Battlefield 3 for the hell of it (they were sold out of Limited Edition, so I'll only be getting the regular version) and then got Kinect Sports Season 2 for $5.

While I hate both this commercial and the original song immensely, it only ranks 2nd on my list of the worst holiday commercials.

That's cool - wish they would have chose a different song though. 'Smoke Two Joints' would have been just as appropriate as 'What I Got'. I'm still fond of 'Steppin Razor'. Ultimately, 'April 26th, 1992' would have fit the Saint's theme perfectly. A song about chaos and destruction in a game about...chaos and

I bet the mythbusters can make a helicopter out of duct tape and get it to fly.

I noticed that too. But even if he crashes (visor up or down), I think you're pretty much fucked at 462 mph in a car crash.