
I guess a mentally disabled person might not like it. Or a blind person. Maybe a schizophrenic.

That's great and all... but I'm still waiting for the goddamn live broadcasting from ESPN on the 360? I have TWC, in the Dallas area. TWC and the Disney/ABC/ESPN networks were fighting each other until they reached a last minute agreement - that was back in December 2010. I got immediate access to ESPN3's streaming

Anyone make a joke about 40s yet?

Number 8...yummy.

With all the time they have spent on countless remakes over the last couple of years, they could have made that Vinyl Plant-a-See Heaven game by now.

Another instant classic!

All Giz Wants is another baby.

Best beard ever!

Yeah I know just where to look for the $2 cables that work exactly like the $50 ones they try to unload on you. Fry's often offers this $99 TV starter kit - which includes a 3 foot Monster brand HDMI cable, a cheap looking power strip, and a TV screen cleaner.

Sorry to hear that. It's seems many people I know who have been fired within the last couple of years (quite a few) have been let go over some ridiculous reason. Most found jobs really quick though, in the same field.

Just two weeks ago I bought six 6 foot cables from Fry's. $1.77 each. The week before that, they had 10 foot cables for $2.22 each.

I got sick one time as a kid after I had eaten some Jello. I swore I'd never eat it again.

That really looks like a great collector's edition of a game.

That's a pretty good Midna. Don't see too many people doing that cosplay.

That Genesis is killer....

It's nice to know that ME2 sold enough copies so that during her down time, Liara had the time and money to get implants.

I'm used to seeing girls in bikinis and cowboy hats. I'm from Texas!

Definitely Rinoa from Final Fantasy 8!

Glad to see an Intellivision ad in there. That's what started my gaming habit!

If the police police us, who polices the police?