
@Jbrist: 10 was great. Jumped into the next gen just fine. I'm pretty partial to 9 myself (FF9 and the movie 9 =p).

I can't imagine what would happen if a FF collection was ever released...

@brijazz: Talking during class...that's a stunnin'. Staring at my beard...that's a stunnin'.

Party? At a Brewery? Count me in!

A lot of video game thievery going on this year - especially from families in the middle of a tragedy.

Best thing of the year for me was the colorful commentary given by the FIRST guy to post the Jesus Pose video from NBA Elite.

@azurianlight: Exactly. This only gives him an incentive to try again.

@JollyClogger: Don't stop at Pilot Wings - yell out every name possible. Keep a voice recorder pinned to you or a headset in your helmet and start yelling out Ace Combat, Raiden, R-Type, Flight Command, Gradius, Snoopy Flying Aces, Crimson Skies, Choplifter, Thunderblade, MS Flight Simulator, and anything else you can

I like that older mock-up better.

Gig'em International Ags!

@loyerp: It's gotta be.

Looks more like a 360 avatar in the pic.

The only problem I see with this is that people might be torn between buying this phone AND a PSP2.

So did they get a photo of Santa?

@RedBoxMangler: You're home must be frozen on the inside, too!